risposta all'ultima e-mail di Maddy

lazzarpi's Avatar


26 Nov, 2021 10:54 PM

Hi Maddy, I answer your questions: a) my billing address is: Piero Lazzarotto, Largo Rodolfo Lanciani, 9 - 00162 Rome. My e-mail addresses are: [email blocked] (no longer in use), [email blocked], [email blocked]. b) confirm if the data on my desktop is up to date; the question is not clear to me, however I always carry out the updates that are requested of me on the PC. C) below is a copy of the error registers.
Starting Moneydance 2019.1 (1855) at Fri Nov 26 22:37:38 CET 2021
Settings Folder: C:\Users\Piero\.moneydance
OS: Windows 10 10.0 amd64
Java: 11.0.1 (Oracle Corporation)
Is in sandbox: false; restricted file access: false
initialized extension balpred in 0.047 seconds
  outdated extension: handybank
  outdated extension: netsync
  outdated extension: updater
opening last file: Moneydance
loading dataset: C:\Users\Piero\.moneydance\Documents\Moneydance.moneydance
set antialiasing to HRGB
loading with 128 bit encryption key
reading trunk data tiksync/trunk
trunk data loaded (3.703 seconds), checking for incremental updates
loading un-synced txn files...
loading synced txn files...
 reading txn file 07a92356-fd6a-4767-9a9c-9917c3ee504c.mdtxn
 reading txn file 3af85b58-77ae-42aa-a6d0-8741d3bff210.mdtxn
 reading txn file 3f5de540-5c44-4a3e-abcc-fe33c9028de2.mdtxn
 reading txn file e50706a4-69d4-4491-a7bb-388aaa1cf552.mdtxn
replacing root: null () with new root: Moneydance.moneydance (0a011cfd-a78d-43d0-a35f-19bd093e9321
couldn't find account based on legacy ID (null) or uuid (d728a492-f002-416f-b028-db8d41998ae8). Using root account as fallback for now. 20211011 Parcheggio 147
dropbox folder should be at C:\Users\Piero\Dropbox and exists=true
base sync folder: C:\Users\Piero\Dropbox\.moneydancesync
dropbox folder should be at C:\Users\Piero\Dropbox and exists=true
base sync folder: C:\Users\Piero\Dropbox\.moneydancesync
base sync folder: C:\Users\Piero\Dropbox\.moneydancesync
adding actions panel
local file is newer than sync file. local=Fri Nov 26 22:39:39 CET 2021 synced=Fri Nov 26 22:38:06 CET 2021
Beginning shutdown process
Shutting down syncing for file
waiting for background tasks to complete...
Compacting old transaction logs
backing up file...
saving automatic backup file: C:\Users\Piero\.moneydance\archive\backups\Moneydance.2021-11-26.moneydancearchive
finished backing up file; now to remove expired backups...
completed removal of expired backups
Tasks complete. Goodbye!

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 29 Nov, 2021 12:17 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Thank you for the additional information, Piero!

    Firstly, we would recommend downloading and installing Moneydance 2021.1 (3069). This is a free upgrade for you!

    Also, could you try temporarily removing all extensions by going to the extensions folder. You can remove the extension folder by navigating to Local Disk(C:)>Users>Your Name>.moneydance/fmodules
    You should simply remove any .mxt files there.

    You may want to reboot your computer after that and launch Moneydance.

    Please keep us posted on your progress, Thank you!

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by lazzarpi on 29 Nov, 2021 10:11 PM

    lazzarpi's Avatar

    Hi Maddy, all right. Thanks.

    Inviato da Posta<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> per Windows

    Da: Maddy <[email blocked]>
    Inviato: Monday, November 29, 2021 1:17:40 PM
    A: [email blocked] <[email blocked]>
    Oggetto: Re: risposta all'ultima e-mail di Maddy [Syncing Moneydance with iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android Devices #15033]

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Maddy on 30 Nov, 2021 10:16 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    In addition, from your computer: Launch Moneydance and navigate to File->Syncing
    Choose Don't Sync and close Moneydance.

    From your phone: Launch the mobile app and select Settings->Syncing via Dropbox->Disconnect.
    Launch Moneydance again (on your computer) and open the file you wish to sync.
    Navigate to File->Syncing and choose Dropbox Folder
    Click on Show Passphrase and take note of it. (You will need to enter the same later, on the mobile app)

    Launch the mobile app and choose the same file as your computer.
    Enter your Password to match the Passphrase on your computer.

    Finally, enter a "dummy"" transaction on each device and allow a few seconds for them to sync. They should display exactly the same transactions.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  4. System closed this discussion on 01 Mar, 2022 10:20 AM.

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