Sync issues with iphone and ipad

janekerswell's Avatar


31 Dec, 2021 03:42 PM

I have been using Dropbox to back up MoneyDance on my Mac and then with iphone/ipad apps but it is now not syncing and I am not sure how to resolve this issue
I am using Monterey 12.1 on my MAC and iOS 15.2 on my phone
Please advise?

  1. 1 Posted by derekkent23 on 02 Jan, 2022 08:58 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi janekerswell

    If you are still having problems the to try and help can you provide the following information.
    What version/build of Moneydance are you running on your computer e.g. 2022.3(4063)
    On your computer are you syncing using Dropbox Connection or Dropbox Folder.
    Can you confirm your setup consist of three devices Mac computer, a iPhone and iPad?

  2. 2 Posted by janekerswell on 02 Jan, 2022 03:31 PM

    janekerswell's Avatar

    Moneydance 2022.2
    3 devices - mac/iphone/ipad (would happily not use the ipad though)
    sync via dropbox folder

  3. 3 Posted by derekkent23 on 02 Jan, 2022 04:56 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi janekerswell

    There are a number of ways to get syncing again but probably the cleanest is to reset syncing on all devices and start again.

    But first make sure the Mac is up to date, you will have to add any transaction you entered on your other devices after syncing broke.

    To resetting syncing proceed as follows.

    1. In Moneydance do a MONEYDANCE – EXPORT BACKUP in case something goes wrong.
    2. On both your iPhone and iPad in Moneydance under setting disconnect.
    3. In Moneydance on your computer under MONEYDANCE – SYNCING set SYNC METHOD to DON’T SYNC, then click OK.
    4. Sign into you Dropbox account and rename the “.moneydancsync” folder to “.moneydancesync_old” and move it to your hard drive. This is just a backup and can be deleted is the process works OK.
    5. On your computer under MONEYDANCE - SYNCING, set/check your “Encryption Passphrase”, set “Sync Method” to Dropbox Folder, click OK. Note: on later versions/builds the order you enter /check your “Encryption Passphrase” and set the “Sync Method” is reversed.
    6. Wait for Dropbox folder “.moneydancesync” and its contents to be created in your online account. This can take some time.
    7. On your mobile device(s) start the Moneydance App(s). On some devices you may need to click on the Dropbox symbol. You may be asked to sign in to your Dropbox account to allow Moneydance to access Dropbox if this is the first time the device has done this. The mobile app will search for your data set to sync. On the completion of the search you should see your current data set listed. Select this to sync. You will then be asked to enter you Encryption Password, the passphrase you entered on your computer FILE – SYNCING. After you have entered the password click BEGIN SYNCING. The initial sync can take a long time. Repeat this step for the other mobile device.

    Hope this helps.

  4. System closed this discussion on 03 Apr, 2022 05:00 PM.

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