Syncing same MoneyDance DB with two different Dropbox accounts?
My wife and I are trying to merge our separate MoneyDance accounting systems into a single one. Following the instructions (, I was able to create a unified MoneyDance file using the Dropbox Connection, and my wife was able to open it on her Windows PC using the my Dropbox credentials on the Dropbox authentication web page, even though her computer continued to sync her other Dropbox files to her Dropbox account as before. When she tried to connect to the new MoneyDance file on her Android phone app, however, it would only show her the old MoneyDance file containing her accounts. The new unified account wasn't an option. Where do we go from here?
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1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 11 Jan, 2022 08:11 AM
You have to get the android phone MD app to disconnect from old Dropbox and connect to new Dropbox. Might be quicker to delete the android app and reinstall and select the new Dropbox account.
However, I have no idea if you need to also tell android (outside of the md app) to forget all about the old Dropbox account too.
2 Posted by waterfordtrack on 11 Jan, 2022 01:58 PM
> You have to get the android phone MD app to disconnect from old
> Dropbox and connect to new Dropbox. Might be quicker to delete the
> android app and reinstall and select the new Dropbox account.
> However, I have no idea if you need to also tell android (outside of
> the md app) to forget all about the old Dropbox account too.
That's the problem I'm confronted with. It's not a question of "old" and
"new" Dropbox accounts; my wife wants to retain her Dropbox account, and
only MoneyDance should use the "new" (my) Dropbox account.
Bruce A. Johnson
Herndon, Virginia
3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 11 Jan, 2022 03:08 PM
so try deleting the Andriod MD Apps and reinstalling it..
4 Posted by derekkent23 on 11 Jan, 2022 05:51 PM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi waterfordtrack
The following shows how too Moneydance sync between two Window computers and an Android phone where the computers use different Dropbox Accounts.
Tested on Moneydance 2022 using sync method Dropbox Folder, one Windows 11 Primary and Windows 10 secondary computer. Ensure both computers are running the same version and build of Moneydance and Dropbox client is installed on both computers.
First take a look at the YouTube Tutorial video I put together on the process. It relates to setup for computers. Paste address into your browser.
Set up Dropbox Folder syncing as follows:
1. Select your primary computer and set up syncing under FILE – SYNCING.
2. Select DROPBOX FOLDER as the Sync Method then click OK. Now enter the Encryption Password and click OK.
3. On your primary computer in the Task Bar click the Dropbox icon then click the glob to open your Dropbox account in the cloud.
4. Once your web browser has opened your Dropbox Account click on ALL FILE, in the list on the left.
5. Hover the mouse over the ‘.moneydancesync’ line and click on the Share icon on the right.
6. In the window that opens type in the email address of the person with whom you wish to share and click SHARE FOLDER.
7. The recipient of the emails should click on the Dropbox icon to open its window not
on the “Go to Folder” button in the email. Click the Bell (open notification) icon. You should see in the Dropbox icon window a note to the effort that “.moneydancesync” is waiting to be shared. Click “Add to Dropbox”.
8. On the secondary computer wait until the “.moneydancesync” folder appears Dropbox icon registers it is up to date.
7. On the secondary computer start syncing, FILE – NEW – select OPEN SYNCED FILE -DROPBOX FOLDER – NEXT and highlight the Data Set to be synced – NEXT.
8. Enter your password (passphrase) - FINISH.
9. Data set should now sync.
Mobile Device, syncing to Moneydance.
1. Install Moneydance on your Mobile Device, if already installed uninstall and reinstall.
2. Open Moneydance on your Mobile Device.
3. Click “Link Dropbox Account” button.
4. You need to sign into the primary or secondary users Dropbox Account. Normally the primary user Dropbox Account, but both will work.
5. On the screen “Moneydance would like access to the files and folders in your Dropbox” click ALLOW.
6. Select the data set you want to sync too.
7. Enter your sync password (passphrase) and click Begin Syncing.
It’s that simple.
If you have any issues just post.
Hope that helps.
System closed this discussion on 12 Apr, 2022 06:00 PM.