Try as I might my second PC will Not sink with first

Roy's Avatar


13 Jan, 2022 04:12 PM

I've been trying to get this second PC to sink using Dropbox and I still have not been successful.
Windows 10 64bit all updates in place, Moneydance version: 2022.3 (4063) both machines.
I've tried Dropbox Folder, Dropbox Connection and Shared Folder. Under File; New, Open, Import, and restore from backup to get a fresh start. I've accomplished now having a redundant and lengthy file name and not much more and nothing positive with the original problem, not syncing.
This machine did sync a while back but it looks like it's lost it's way and I'm sure I haven't helped.
Thinking about deleting/uninstalling Moneydance and start from scratch then opening the most current Dropbox file..
I am lost in the woods, to many trees.
Any help is greatly appreciated,

  1. 1 Posted by derekkent23 on 13 Jan, 2022 08:59 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Roy

    The best way forward is to reset syncing and start a new sync.

    Make sure you have the same version and build of moneydance on both computers, preferably latest preview from

    The following assumes you have Dropbox client installed on both computers and that is you can see the Dropbox folder on your hard drives.

    Primary computer is the term used for the computer that is set up for syncing under FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – SYNCING. Secondary computers is the term used for the computer that is set up for syncing under FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – NEW.

    To reset syncing.

    1. Set primary computer “Sync Method” to “Don’t Sync” under FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – SYNCING, then click OK.
    2. On your primary computer use FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – EXPORT BACKUP to save a backup in case something goes wrong.
    3. On the secondary computers click on HELP – SHOW DOCUMENT FOLDER to open a file explorer, close Moneydance and delete your second computers data sets “yourdatasetname.moneydance”.
    4. Using your primary computer in the Dropbox folder copy the folder “.moneydancesync” to your hard drive (this copy can be deleted after a successful sync), then in the Dropbox folder delete the contents of the “.moneydancesync” folder so it is empty. Watch the Dropbox icon and wait till it states “Up to Date”. This can talk some time. Note: on Mac “.moneydancesync” may be hidden, try in your Finder window, typing CMD-Shift-G and then pasting ~/Dropbox/.moneydancesync/ into the box to unhide. The copy of “.moneydancesync” can be deleted after syncing is working again.
      If you can’t find “.moneydancesync” you will need to sign into you Dropbox account and copy “.moneydancsync” to your hard drive from there and then delete its contents of “.moneydancesync” in Dropbox.
    5. On the secondary computer check that in the Dropbox Folder that the folder “.moneydancesync” is now empty. You need to give Dropbox a short time to empty the folder.
    6. On your primary computer under FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) - SYNCING, select DROPBOX FOLDER as the Sync Method then click OK. Now enter the Encryption Password and click OK. On older versions of Moneydance set your “Encryption Passphrase”, then set “Sync Method” to “Dropbox Folder” and click OK
    7. Wait for an alphanumeric folder and its contents to be created in the Dropbox folder “.moneydancesync”. Check the Dropbox icon states “Up to Date”. This can take some time. From now on normal syncing is fast, no need to wait or check.
    8. On the second computers wait until the same Dropbox folder appears, again watch the Dropbox icon this time on your secondary computer and wait till it states “Up to Date”.
    9. On the secondary computer starting Moneydance should open it in the welcome window, click on “Create a new account set”.
    10. Select “Open Synced File” and use dropdown to select “Dropbox Folder” then click NEXT.
    11. You should see a search screen headed “Select a synced document to open”
    12. After a short search delay, it should then list your un-synced data set name used on your primary computer.
    13. Highlight your data set name and click NEXT.
    14. Enter the encryption password, the “Encryption Passphrase” you set on your primary computer under FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – SYNCING. When entered correctly the FINISH button is ungreyed.
    15. Then click on FINISH. Wait for your data to be synced.

    You may find a lot of old, maybe closed accounts or other accounts you have removed from the side bar reappearing in the second computers side bar. Use the “+” sign at bottom of side bar then ADVANCED to tidy up the side bar.

    Hope this helps.

  2. 2 Posted by Roy on 13 Jan, 2022 10:29 PM

    Roy's Avatar

    GREAT instructional help. Followed your direction and this looks great!!
    Thank you derekkent23

  3. Roy closed this discussion on 13 Jan, 2022 10:36 PM.

  4. derekkent23 re-opened this discussion on 13 Jan, 2022 10:37 PM

  5. 3 Posted by derekkent23 on 13 Jan, 2022 10:37 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Roy

    I am glad I was able to help.

    Have Fun, Stay Safe.

  6. Ethan closed this discussion on 15 Jan, 2022 09:05 PM.

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