iCloud syncing

John Carter's Avatar

John Carter

05 Feb, 2022 08:00 PM

Why can't I sync my phone using iCloud? I chose iCloud on my Mac for syncing. Thanks John Carter

  1. 1 Posted by dwg on 05 Feb, 2022 08:25 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a fellow user.

    The Mobile app currently only supports the use of Dropbox for syncing.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Ethan on 06 Feb, 2022 05:43 PM

    Ethan's Avatar

    Hello John,

    The above comment is correct. We've only recently rolled out the ability to sync desktop systems via iCloud. We hope to do the same for the mobile app in the future, but I can't speculate on when that will be released. For the time being, syncing to the mobile apps requires that one choose the Dropbox option.

    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance,

    Infinite Kind Support

  3. Ethan closed this discussion on 06 Feb, 2022 05:43 PM.

  4. John Carter re-opened this discussion on 06 Feb, 2022 06:32 PM

  5. 3 Posted by John Carter on 06 Feb, 2022 06:32 PM

    John Carter's Avatar

    Thanks for the info, guess I will stick with YNAB and request a refund.

  6. Support Staff 4 Posted by Ethan on 06 Feb, 2022 09:42 PM

    Ethan's Avatar

    I'm sorry to hear that. I will add that the Dropbox option is completely free in most situations and has worked across almost all operating systems for years.

    Infinite Kind Support

  7. 5 Posted by John Suggs on 26 Feb, 2022 05:54 PM

    John Suggs's Avatar

    Dropbox is absolutely NOT free in most situations. It's free if you sync with one device. Who only uses one device? iPad, laptop, iPhone... not being able to use our devices on the go kinda defeats the whole "mobile" point of the app.

  8. 6 Posted by dwg on 26 Feb, 2022 08:10 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a fellow user.

    Dropbox is generally free for 3 devices when you are using the Dropbox client applications.

    Moneydance has the option of using the Dropbox Client, this is the Moneydance Dropbox Folder option or it uses the Dropbox API - which is the Dropbox Connection option. When using the API it does not count towards the 3 device limit. The Moneydance mobile Application always uses the Dropbox Connection method hence never counts towards the client limit.

  9. 7 Posted by randolph on 27 Mar, 2022 01:35 AM

    randolph's Avatar

    I would also appreciate this. Dropbox has gone greedy and spammy and I just don't want to do business with them any more. As an Apple user I already have iCloud. Would really appreciate the support.

  10. 8 Posted by dtd on 27 Mar, 2022 01:55 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    just a user

    I use FREE Dropbox for syncing:

    3 mac computers (there I used my dropbox limit)
    3 iphones
    3 ipads

    It can all work, and for free. Sorry you don't get how to do it - as dwg said, there are multiple ways to make this happen for free.

    and yes, iCloud would work for my 3 computers - but is not yet supported for mobile devices. maybe at some point.

  11. 9 Posted by derekkent23 on 27 Mar, 2022 07:45 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi randolph

    The Dropbox restrictions maybe not as bad as they first sound.
    I sync between 4 computers and two phones for free using Dropbox.

    The limit of 3 devices running Dropbox applications with a free account applies to the devices that can be connected to a Dropbox product itself, via official Dropbox applications, such as the official Dropbox desktop client or mobile applications.

    If your computers are using Dropbox Folder as a syncing method for Moneydance then as you have to have Dropbox Client installed, this count towards the limit. However, if you use Dropbox Connection and don’t have Dropbox Client installed, this does not count towards the limit. This limit does not apply to third party apps that connect to Dropbox via the Dropbox API. This includes the Dropbox Application Program Interface that is embedded in Moneydance mobile. Your mobile devices would only count towards the limit if you had Dropbox official app installed on your mobile devices for another reason.
    You can also mix Moneydance Dropbox sync Methods on computers, say 3 computers using Dropbox Folder and any additional computers using Dropbox Connection. You can also sync a many mobile devices as you like.

    Another approach is to set up another free Dropbox account under a different email address and set up the Moneydance folder “.moneydancesync” as a shared folder between the two accounts.

    You are not facing any real restriction, with no need for a paid Dropbox account

    So, as you see the Dropbox restriction are not a reason in themselves to update the iOS and iPad OS apps to support iCloud sync. In fact, iCloud sync can be more restrictive, for example it has no cross-platform support to Windows and Linux unlike Dropbox and it can only be used with one iCloud account at the time, again unlike Dropbox. There are more important issues for the developer to work on.

    Hope this helps.

  12. 10 Posted by Peter on 02 Apr, 2022 10:43 AM

    Peter's Avatar

    I upgraded into 2022 version JUST because of this killer feature 6 months ago (otherwise I could have kept using previous version), as it was announced app support would be also added later.

    I don't care about other users happy with Dropbox as a justification, I'm happy for them, I'm sad for the ones who require iCloud syncing, please do not change the subject of the thread trying to justify it (users).

    In my case I trusted The Infinite Kind to include this support and their reply in this thread points into we will not likely get it. In your own words when new version was announced, including this feature as the second top one: "We’ll be releasing updates to the iPhone and iPad apps shortly", which is fine and I understand there is no commitment to specific date, however shortly considering your release cycle should be within next quarter after announcement... you just failed on your commitments to your customers. That is my honest view.

    I will not ask for my money back, just will look into other ecosystem fulfilling my needs. It's been good being a customer for more than a decade upgrading license on every major upgrade.

  13. System closed this discussion on 02 Jul, 2022 10:50 AM.

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