Syncing, Dropbox, and Mac OS 12.3

dtd's Avatar


31 Mar, 2022 09:44 PM

I use Dropbox Folder, but have seen concerns about changes with Dropbox and upgrading to Mac OS 12.3
Basically, Mac is making Dropbox move their folder structure into a new location.

Any updates on what has happened and whether it affects Moneydance Syncing? I've seem some indication that basically you have to point where the dropbox location is now, but I don't know the process.

Also, is the process different between if you use Dropbox Folder or Dropbox connection?

I think this would be a good knowledgebase article, as many will be dealing with this.

  1. 1 Posted by dwg on 31 Mar, 2022 10:04 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    When using either of the folder options Moneydance has to know where the folder is and this is stored in your data set.

    When you set up Moneydance syncing the Dropbox Folder option will only appear if you have the Dropbox client installed but more importantly only if the Dropbox folder is in the default location. You can think of Dropbox Folder as being just a shortcut option it is really the Shared Folder option but with a predefined folder location. If someone installs the Dropbox client but chooses a custom location in Moneydance you will not get the Dropbox Folder option. In this instance the user would select shared folder and navigate to that folder during the setup so that Moneydance can record the location.

    If Sean changes Moneydance on MacOS so that it checks both locations then the setup would work as people are used to.

    For existing sync setups I expect that people will have to recreate it up as my expectation is that that there is a hard path recorded in the sync setup. I see no reason why things like symbolic links would have ever been considered in the original design.

    I do not know enough about macOS whether it is viable to create something like a sym link at the OS level that would make it look like the folder was in the original location.

    Seems to me that it is the usual thing we see from Apple in them changing things and thus breaking them.

    I do not see how this change could affect Dropbox Connection.

  2. System closed this discussion on 30 Jun, 2022 10:10 PM.

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