Sync Issue with MAC
I am using money dance 2022. My main computer is desktop PC with windows 10. I have configured dropbox sync option and I am able to sync with many iPhone.
I also have a MAC laptop. I have installed the moneydance on the MAC laptop and performed the initial sync with dropbox. Intial sac woke successfully and updated all data. But later when I open moneydance on MAC machines it is not syncing the lated data. The only data I can see on the MAC moneydance is the initial sync data. I do not have any issue with my windows or Iphone data.
Can you please help me fixing this issue.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 12 Apr, 2022 10:51 AM
Hi Sajimon,
We are sorry to hear about the problem you have encountered.
Are you running the same version of Moneydance on all the computers you are syncing with?
To check, open Moneydance and select Help --> About Moneydance (or Moneydance --> About Moneydance on a Mac)
On you primary computer , is your data stored in the default location ?
When you navigate to File–> Syncing which sync method do you have selected?
Since your Mac is your secondary computer, you should navigate to File –> New– >Open Synced File choose the same sync method (Dropbox Folder or Dropbox connection) and enter the same passphrase as the primary computer.
Please note:
With "Dropbox Connection" Moneydance uses the Dropbox API to talk to the Dropbox service directly. So, although you don't need to have Dropbox actually installed on your computer, you do need to be online when Moneydance is running in order for changes to be synced.
With "Dropbox Folder" Moneydance will just read and write files to your Dropbox folder on your computer, which means that you need to have Dropbox installed and running, but you don't need to be online in order for Moneydance to read and write the changes.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 12 Apr, 2022 11:20 AM
If the above does not work, then.... try this..
BACKUP FIRST, close MDs down
Then on the main windows (good) pc, install and run toolbox extension.
Enable hacker mode, then hacker button
Click 'Force a refresh/PUSH of your local dataset to Sync.'.. Then wait, then restart MD.
Then fire up the second machine, wait, restart MD, see if it's working...
System closed this discussion on 12 Jul, 2022 11:20 AM.