Encryption passphrase
I am using MacOS Monterey V12.3.1 and Moneydance 2022.2 (4060).
I'm trying to sink with a MacBook Pro. We are using the same OS and version of Moneydance.
In Moneydance when I choose File - Syncing - Dropbox Folder and then show Passphrase, I see a very long complicated passphrase that I don't remember ever setting. How can I change this? I don't understand how this Passphrase is used. Is it for Moneydance or Dropbox. Thank you.
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1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 26 Apr, 2022 06:40 PM
You can't... This sets the encryption for the dropbox sync.. It's completely separate from the one used on your dataset... You only need to use it once... Just copy the passphrase and paste it into the other computer when you set up sync.
OR.... Use Toolbox, hacker mode, hacker menu, FORCE RESET SYNC Settings and set up sync again from scratch on the primary, set a new passphrase......
System closed this discussion on 26 Jul, 2022 06:50 PM.