Syncing with DropBox is Failing
Syncing with DropBox has stopped working. My last sync was on Monday. My Android phone and tablet are not syncing any longer.
I stopped the syncing on my desktop and reset it and reconnected to DropBox but it is still not working. I'm seeing errors in the console error file which I've attached.
- errlog.txt 23 KB
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1 Posted by Kevin C on 19 Aug, 2022 12:19 PM
I'm closing this. After resetting Dropbox syncing a couple time it seems to be working again. I don't know if they were having an issue or my sync setup was corrupted but it's working again.
Kevin C closed this discussion on 19 Aug, 2022 12:20 PM.
Kevin C re-opened this discussion on 23 Aug, 2022 10:55 AM
2 Posted by Kevin C on 23 Aug, 2022 10:58 AM
t's not working again. I've started getting DropBox errors again. I've attached the latest error file.
Writing file to dropbox API with debug mode=true
opening connection with proxy DIRECT to
connecting to: with method: POST proxy: DIRECT
CookieHandler request for
Cookies retrieved: {Cookie=[]}
Sending https request:
POST /2/files/upload HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 52288
Authorization: Bearer rkwKzvL9uHgAAAAAAAAAAU5H29EqqvifesaFaMBFyMHAOzMgLNLpeOosptVkOGud
Dropbox-API-Arg: {"path":"/.moneydancesync/28232aff-610f-451c-9644-19383fe6301c/v3/131a5fc9-8478-493d-99a2-c1d5da1321dd.mdtxn","mode":"overwrite","autorename":false,"mute":true,"strict_conflict":false}
DNT: 1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, inflate
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
User-Agent: Moneydance OfficialDropboxJavaSDKv2/3.1.5
Connection: close
---end headers
Ran 0 of 2 MDP tasks @ Tue Aug 23 06:53:45 EDT 2022) forcedRefresh=true
<<HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
<<date: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 10:53:46 GMT
<<content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
<<content-length: 71
<<connection: close
<<cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
<<pragma: no-cache
<<expires: 0
<<content-encoding: gzip
Error uploading outgoing transactions: com.dropbox.core.BadResponseCodeException: unexpected HTTP status code: 404: null
com.dropbox.core.BadResponseCodeException: unexpected HTTP status code: 404: null
at com.dropbox.core.DbxRequestUtil.unexpectedStatus(
at com.dropbox.core.DbxRequestUtil.unexpectedStatus(
at com.dropbox.core.DbxUploader.finish(
at com.dropbox.core.DbxUploader.uploadAndFinish(
at com.dropbox.core.DbxUploader.uploadAndFinish(
at com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxUploadStyleBuilder.uploadAndFinish(
at com.infinitekind.tiksync.Syncer.pushOutgoingTxns(
at com.infinitekind.tiksync.Syncer$
opening connection with proxy DIRECT to
connecting to: with method: POST proxy: DIRECT
logging txn; file: tiksync/out/20220823105346_436.txn-tmp
CookieHandler request for
Cookies retrieved: {Cookie=[]}
Sending https request:
POST /2/files/list_folder HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 249
Authorization: Bearer rkwKzvL9uHgAAAAAAAAAAU5H29EqqvifesaFaMBFyMHAOzMgLNLpeOosptVkOGud
DNT: 1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, inflate
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
User-Agent: Moneydance OfficialDropboxJavaSDKv2/3.1.5
Connection: close
3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 23 Aug, 2022 01:28 PM
Install dropbox client locally, ensure it logs in OK, then switch your MD Sync connection to DB Folders..
4 Posted by Kevin C on 23 Aug, 2022 01:33 PM
Why, is MoneyDance not supporting DropBox API any longer? This has worked for years. When I go to the sync setup in MoneyDance there is no DB Folders choice to select.
Does it mean I have to install DropBox on all my devices (phone, PC, tablet, etc.)?
5 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 23 Aug, 2022 02:11 PM
IK / Moneydance DOES support DB Connection (API)... I'm simply offering my opinion that DB Folders is a much more 'seamless' experience that avoids direct connection issues and allows the DB Client to handle the syncing... But it's up to you...
(not support, just a fellow user)
6 Posted by Kevin C on 23 Aug, 2022 03:28 PM
Thank you. Not trying to give you a hard time, just trying to understand
why the direct is not working any longer. It's the most direct and hassle
free method, but if it's broken or not supported they ought to get rid of
7 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 23 Aug, 2022 03:30 PM
It is supported. But local dodgy wifi connections, or slow speeds will give rise to issues. That’s all. Some people never have a problem, others do.
8 Posted by Kevin C on 23 Aug, 2022 05:09 PM
OK, I installed DropBox on my PC and disabled syncing in MoneyDance, then reset it up using DropBox Folder. It seems to be syncing to DropBox now. I see the .moneydancesync folder in my DropBox folder and in DropBox when I go to it on the web. And it has files in it in both places with date and time uptodate. However when I clear out my mobile app setting and the data and cache on my phone and relink to DropBox and give it approval to connect it tell me there are no folders found.
9 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 23 Aug, 2022 05:57 PM
Same dropbox account on all devices?
If you login to the account on the web you should see a hidden .moneydancesync folder with one looooong number subfolder in it.. This should be the same folder on all devices....
10 Posted by sprimost on 23 Aug, 2022 06:12 PM
From: sprimost...just a user
I had a hard time dropping and re starting sync. The secret, I suppose, is
to disable sync, the stop and start MD. I'm my case, the app refused to
recognize the sync files in the .moneydance folder. Not saying it might be
your solution but worth a shot.
11 Posted by Kevin C on 23 Aug, 2022 06:19 PM
I've done that. I think it's something to do with my wi-fi connection. My
phone is working now. I had to turn 9ff wi-fi and connect using my Mobil
cellular data. Then the mobile app found the file and sync started working.
Now I reconnected it to my wi-fi and it's working fine.
My tablet still won't sync. I don't have a cell data 0lan with that so I
can't disconnect from my router. In the past it took a day before my
tablet would see the sync file
12 Posted by Kevin C on 24 Aug, 2022 01:47 PM
I rebooted my HughesNet satellite modem and my tablet was able to see the new MoneyDance sync file and sync correctly. Now both my phone and tablet seem to sync correctly again.
Kevin C closed this discussion on 24 Aug, 2022 01:47 PM.