New file won't sync
Hi there,
My moneydance file corrupted for some reason and I had to go to a backup, which was fine, but now I can't get the file to connect to the moneydance app on my android phone. I am using Dropbox and it only gives me the option to choose an old file that is no longer in my Dropbox folder and it shows me the corrupted data. I tried to stop sharing and start sharing in the desktop app and I also deleted the app and reinstalled it...any other suggestions?
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1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 31 Oct, 2022 05:16 PM
Anyway. I would setup sync again.
(copy / paste and save it somewhere)File/Syncing/Don't Sync
Install / run toolbox extension. Enable advanced mode. Advanced Mode. Force RESET sync settings.
Relaunch Toolbox and look for this line halfway down (number will be different):
Then MD/File/Syncing and enable syncing.
Now on app, settings cog, disconnect, restart app. reconnect.. Make sure you select the new sync relationship.
If you end up with two and you don't know which is which...
go into dropbox folder, into (hidden .moneydancesync folder), and delete the folder that's NOT the loooong number you saved.....
System closed this discussion on 30 Jan, 2023 05:20 PM.