
Geoff Burks's Avatar

Geoff Burks

29 Mar, 2023 02:24 AM

I have been using Dropbox for years to sync Iphones and Ipads.
I see now an update by Dropbox and moving the files on my Mac for a more secure location.
Do I need to do this and will it affect the way MoneyDance works?
Would I be better to just go to Icloud sync if you have that working now?
Icloud sync would be my preference.
Thanks Geoff

  1. 1 Posted by dwg on 29 Mar, 2023 02:31 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    From what I gather it creates a symbolic link to the old location so software should continue to work.

    If you want to move to iCloud and you only have Apple devices you can certainly do that.

  2. 2 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 29 Mar, 2023 05:50 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    You don’t have a choice. The latest migrations create a Mac alias to the new location and everything continues to work. Make sure MD is closed whilst you do this and do not open MD until the DB upgrade completes.

    Also, toolbox can repair the alias if needed.

  3. 3 Posted by Geoff Burks on 03 Apr, 2023 02:01 AM

    Geoff Burks's Avatar

    Mr. dwg
    I have not made a single entry for 3 days now because I know it is not syncing correctly. (Made an entry in my wife’s phone that has not come to the Mac yet.)
    I would much prefer to move to iCloud and stop using dropbox. But I read on your web site this statement "iCloud Drive - available soon for the iOS mobile app (requires Moneydance 2022 <https://infinitekind.com/blog/moneydance-2022>) This sync method is Mac-specific and it can only be used with one iCloud account at a time.” It is at https://help.infinitekind.com/support/solutions/articles/80000615162-syncing-with-mobile-app
    What does one account at a time mean?
    I have one account in Moneydance.
    I have one account in iCloud for my iphone and iPad and on the Mac we use my account.
    But my wife’s iPhone and iPad would be on her iCloud. We share a lot of files like numbers, pages, calendar.
    Is that what it is talking about and will be a problem?
    You really need to update information about iCloud syncing on your web site.
    If me and my wife can sync to our MAC I will need detailed information on how to accomplish doing that.
    If we both can not. I need to trouble shoot where this upgrade went wrong and how to complete it.
    A phone call would be best. I am in Nebraska which is on CDT. Right now it is 9:00pm here and it looks like you are 3:00am there. So you are 6 Hours ahead of me. Because I do not work on Fridays could you call This coming Friday at 8:00am my time. + 6 would make it 2:00pm for you. Or any time until you close? I plan to be home all day Friday.
    But with detailed information I might be able to fix it before then.
    I thank you very much.
    Geoff Burks
    [email blocked]

  4. 4 Posted by dwg on 03 Apr, 2023 02:13 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a fellow user.

    With iCloud it means all computer systems would have to use the one iCloud account, as far as I am aware no testing has been performed using multiple iCloud accounts with data sharing between them.

    It has been proved that you can use multiple Dropbox accounts with Moneydance Syncing.

    I have no personal experience with Apple products.

    The Infinite Kind is a very small company based on the U.K. as such it is not viable for them to provide telephone support, especially since their customer base is world wide. For example I am in Australia.

  5. 5 Posted by dwg on 03 Apr, 2023 02:15 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    Security is not really that much of a consideration. With Moneydance syncing all data is end to end encrypted and only you know the pass phrase (encryption key seed)

  6. 6 Posted by Geoff Burks on 03 Apr, 2023 02:42 AM

    Geoff Burks's Avatar

    So what do I do now.
    I don’t know if the dropbox update completed. All I know is when it tried to do the update very quickly there was a popup saying I needed to update money dance so I started following the links to update md. that is when nothing will complete it’s update. I have let it run all night, rebooted, some times when I launch md. it pops up saying it is downloading files from dropbox but never completes the task. Same problems the next day.

    Geoff Burks
    [email blocked]

  7. 7 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 03 Apr, 2023 06:22 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar
    1. It’s not clear what will not complete? Pls explain what you are doing, what you have tried, and what will not complete?

    2. If md will not complete, then grab help/console and post that here.

    3. Have you run toolbox extension, as I mentioned? Did it pop up any message about Dropbox?

  8. 8 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 03 Apr, 2023 06:23 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar
    1. I presume you were using Dropbox folders? Or were you using dropbox connection?
  9. 9 Posted by Geoff Burks on 03 Apr, 2023 11:18 AM

    Geoff Burks's Avatar

    To Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)
    I’m sure you have the answers I need, but I am unsure of how to reply. I’ll try my best to tell you where I am now.
    Right now this is on my screen because Several times before as I went into md. I got a popup saying it was downloading from dropbox.
    I had no progress report for how long to wait. So the last thing I have tried is with md closed I clicked on the dropbox icon in the top right banner. In there you can see the path at the bottom of the insert.
    Dropbox > monedancesync > long number > v3
    I double clicked the v3 folder and all the icons looked like clocks. After about an hour maybe about 1/3 of them turned into a cloud. I went to bed. This morning there are more clouds. I am going to go to work now. Let’s see of it is done after work today and then I will try opening md again.
    As far as your questions. Please understand all of this is new to me so please explain:
    I know there are extensions that can be added. I have never downloaded toolbox. Hopefully tonight I can open md and look for it. It maybe self explanatory. I’ll see.
    Your comment was: 2. If md will not complete, then grab help/console and post that here.
    Where is help/console. How is that any different then here? I thought I got this from infinite kind website: contact help.
    Thank you for your response.

    Geoff Burks
    [email blocked]

    > On Apr 3, 2023, at 1:23 AM, Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox) <[email blocked]> wrote:
    > Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox

  10. 10 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 03 Apr, 2023 02:08 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Have you looked at the Moneydance top menubar... The help menu? Click there and then Console Window.. Save the output to a file... Upload that file here...

    Next go to File/Syncing.. What sync method has been selected?

    Next go to extensions menu.. Manage extensions... Available.. Toolbox... Install.

    Now Extensions>toolbox... Does it popup with a dropbox warning?

    As for the dropbox cloud icon not changing... This makes me think that you have a local machine problem... What happens if you manually put a file into dropbox, does that sync straight away?

  11. 11 Posted by Geoff Burks on 04 Apr, 2023 01:37 AM

    Geoff Burks's Avatar

    It’s still Loading.
    The copy and paste I sent you had 552 items. Right now Dropbox is up to 1,496 items and still growing. Every one has an .mdtxn extension when you click below the slide bar it moves down 1 page. It took me 47 clicks to get to the bottom today.
    I am saving all your suggestions on what to try as soon as this is over. But I want it to finish before I open md this time.
    P.S. I do have fiber 100 mb service to my home and Ubiquity router that can handle the traffic. So I really don’t want to test dropbox as long as it is gaining ground. I have to agree with you it does look like there is something wrong. The largest file loaded so far is only 303 KB. That should be the blink of an eye.
    Tomorrow. Thanks
    Geoff Burks
    [email blocked]

  12. 12 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 04 Apr, 2023 06:46 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Awaiting your help/console etc

    There is something wrong if your computer is taking that long to upload those little tiny files. I would reboot. Dropbox will work itself out.

    But yes I agree. Dont launch MD until Dropbox is caught up.

  13. System closed this discussion on 04 Jul, 2023 06:50 AM.

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