Passphrase is embedded

Will's Avatar


09 Apr, 2023 12:23 AM

The passphrase is already embedded in my software on my iMac, so I cannot enter one, but when I enter that 5 digit number in the app on my iPhone it says the Passphrase is incorrect. I cannot change it, bit neither can I use it. Has anyone encountered this? I have removed the Passphrase is the same as the password for opening my file, minus the last digit. I have no idea how this happened, but would appreciate any assistance offered.

  1. 1 Posted by dwg on 09 Apr, 2023 12:52 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    You should be able to view the syncing passphrase on the desktop/notebook by using the Moneydance menu option File --> Syncing

    If you are using that passphrase on the mobile and it say it is incorrect it suggests you may be trying to open a different data file to the one you are looking at on the desktop.

  2. 2 Posted by Will on 09 Apr, 2023 04:01 AM

    Will's Avatar

    I can view the Passphrase, dwg. It is the first 5 digits of my Passcode that I use to secure my data file. When I use that Passphrase to sync, it tells me it is incorrect. I have tried the 6 digits of the Passcode, but to no avail. I setup a dummy account with Current, Savings and two credit cards and synced it no problem with the same 5 digits. So, it appears to me that if a user secures their data file with a Passcode, then that code gets embeded in the Passphrase field somehow and nothing can be synced. (Pretend my data file Passcode is 123456. MD then embeds 12345 in the Passphrase field with no option to edit, but the iPhone app rejects that Passphrase are incorrect.

    Thanks for responding..

    Folks (Sean) at Infinite Kind brushed me aside last year when I requested help on the exact same issue once it became an option to sync to cloud.

  3. 3 Posted by dwg on 09 Apr, 2023 04:32 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    The passphrase is not something that can be changed like a password.

    The passphrase is a seed that is used to encrypt the syncing data, the data can only be unencrypted using the same passphrase. This is why it sounds like you are trying to connect to a different data set on the mobile. It is not possible for it to be correct on one end and incorrect on the other.

    To change the syncing passphrase, it is necessary to set the data set to not sync on the desktop/notebook, then use the toolbox extension to clear out all sync related settings, then setup syncing from scratch, this is the only way to ensure that all data involved in syncing is encrypted with the same key.

    It would also be good practice to also clear the data from Dropbox before setting up syncing again.

  4. 4 Posted by wingyin.lam on 04 Jun, 2023 04:04 PM

    wingyin.lam's Avatar

    how to use toolbox extension to clear out sync settings and setup iCloud sync? I used dropbox for sync in the past few years. Just followed the instruction to change it to iCloud. but the passphrase is stick to the previous DropBox Sync passphrase. So, I wanted to follow the advice here to clear the settings and restart syncing from scratch. but when i don't know what toolbox extension means.

    When I opened the moneydance app on iphone, it keep says that no files can be found. what should I do?

  5. 5 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 04 Jun, 2023 04:44 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Toolbox. Update mode. Advanced menu. Force reset sync settings.

  6. 6 Posted by Ira on 17 Jun, 2023 06:41 PM

    Ira's Avatar

    I thought I had a similar problem and my confusion arose from the fact that associated with my Moneydance database I have three "passwords", and for me they are all different: one to open the database on the desktop application, one to unlock the app on my iPhone and one to allow syncing between the iPhone app and Dropbox. The latter is used only to initially setup syncing with Dropbox and the iPhone app, and in my case was not needed for years until a Mac OS upgrade produced changes in Dropbox relationships and required the iPhone app to re-sync via Dropbox. Reading posts in this forum and waking up to the fact that the passphrase to decrypt is different from all the others finally led me to where I had the magic phrase. Actually, Moneydance will show it to you in File>Syncing…>Show Passphrase. Try it.

  7. 7 Posted by Will on 17 Jun, 2023 08:49 PM

    Will's Avatar

    None of that helped. I reset the file open to no password, saved, then set a new password. Once complete, I could sync to iCloud. The passphrase still shows up as the first 5 digits of my old file open password. Not sure why, but don't care as the sync works.

    Now, is it possible that we could sync the entire file. I use MD for tracking my investments. How convenient would that be to be able to track activity on my iPhone via sync when traveling.

    Thanks to all for posting..

  8. 8 Posted by dtd on 18 Jun, 2023 01:20 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    just a user - investments don't sync/port to IOS. End of story (at this point in time)

  9. System closed this discussion on 17 Sep, 2023 01:30 AM.

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