New computer will not recognize me as a user
My previous computer died and I was able to recover the hard drive transferring the data to a back up drive and uploaded to the new Mac Pro computer (same brand as previous). The Money Dance I was happily using was purchased in 2014. The files have transferred to the new computer but I am unable to open them with error message "Unable to find file/users...Permission denied". I spent a hour with an Apple technician unsuccessfully attempting to recover the previous files. Can you help. I do atticipate upgrading to the current version of money dance but I would like my previous data if possible .
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1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 07 Jun, 2023 05:13 PM
Hi Michael Morrison,
One relevant piece of information that will assist those looking to help you would be the "exact" name and extension of the Moneydance data file that you are trying to open.
The error message thrown points to a Permissions Denial so the "exact" location of the file may also come into play.
-Kevin N. (not a member of Moneydance Support)
Support Staff 2 Posted by Maddy on 08 Jun, 2023 03:19 PM
Hi Michael,
If you are upgrading from Moneydance 2014 and your data is password protected, you should either remove the password using Moneydance 2014 or open the same file with Moneydance 2021.1 (3069). The reason being that the latest version will not be able to decrypt it.
Also, the specific steps for upgrading from Moneydance 2014 are available here.
Finally the file format FileName.moneydance can be opened using File —> Open or Open Other from the Welcome to Moneydance window when you are using Moneydance 2022.5 (4091)
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 07 Sep, 2023 03:20 PM.