Errors have crept into the figures.
I have. just handed over the accounts of a small company to a new Treasurer. So I gave him a copy of the Moneydance file which he started to use. The two files seem to be interfering (synching?) with each other and messing up the records - past and present.
I did not realise that this could happen. Is there any way that we can stop this from happening?
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1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 17 Jun, 2023 06:33 AM
Well. It depends what exactly you mean?
please explain further “the two files seem to be interfering”? How? What do you see?
please explain exactly what you did to give the other person a copy?
Anyway, yes the dataset has an internal UUID number. If you did a straight file copy, or even export back and then restore backup (and kept the retain sync settings ticked), then it will be able to sync with your dataset. BUT that person will also have to have access to the same sync folder/account too - do they?
- on one of the copies launch toolbox extension, enable update mode, advanced menu, then force reset sync settings. They will have to set up sync again and the syncing will be separate from the other one.
System closed this discussion on 16 Sep, 2023 06:40 AM.