Synching with iPad2

Janet DuBois's Avatar

Janet DuBois

06 Aug, 2011 03:25 AM

I purchased this product because it was supposed to synch to ipad2 and it does but each time I close Moneydance on my Mac, the iPad app "forgets" the key and I have to delete and reload the app. Also, the only thing available on the app is a snapshot of the checkbook and the ability to make a transaction. No other function is available.
I think the advertising was very misleading and I would like a refund unless there is more to the iPad app that I'm unable to access that can be fixed. Otherwise, it's pretty useless and is no better then many of the free checkbook/accounting software available.

  1. 1 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 28 Aug, 2011 11:44 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar


    I apologize for our slow response. I'm not sure I entirely understand what is happening here. The iPad should not "forget" the connection between it and the desktop program, this is likely a permissions issue with the setup of your Moneydance file. Are you sure you have write permission to that folder? Could you tell me exactly what happens when you re-open Moneydance on your Mac? Screenshots are especially helpful in diagnosing these issues.

    The app is meant to be a companion to the desktop program, and currently it's intended use is to enter transactions which are then sync'd to the desktop program. It is not intended as a stand alone tool, nor is it likely to become one in the relatively near future. I am sorry that you found our advertising misleading, it was not intentional. We offer a generous free trial so potential users can try Moneydance before buying, and if you let us know what part of our advertising was misleading we'll do our best to update it.

    I hope this helps to clarify how the desktop program and iPad app work, and please let me know if I can be of further assistance,

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  2. Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 28 Aug, 2011 11:44 PM.

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