iOS sync on iPhone 4 works a few days, then stops

Chris Frank's Avatar

Chris Frank

09 Aug, 2011 03:17 AM

I don't have any firewalls running, and this is my console:

svc removed: BiJoliPhoNeLoFono type:mdncsync.tcp.local.
svc added: BiJoliPhoNeLoFono type:mdncsync.tcp.local.
requested service info svc resolved: BiJoliPhoNeLoFono; type:mdncsync.tcp.local.
attempting to sync with BiJoliPhoNeLoFono; URL: Connection refused

at Method)
at com.moneydance.modules.features.netsync.Main.testKeyWithDevice(
at com.moneydance.modules.features.netsync.Main.tryToSyncWithURL(
at com.moneydance.modules.features.netsync.Main.access$300(
at com.moneydance.modules.features.netsync.Main$SyncMonitor.serviceResolved(
at javax.jmdns.impl.ListenerStatus$ServiceListenerStatus.serviceAdded(
at javax.jmdns.impl.JmDNSImpl$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

The IP con my iPhone is NOT, but

Please help me!!!

  1. 1 Posted by Jon Hoover on 05 Sep, 2011 09:45 PM

    Jon Hoover's Avatar

    We are aware that syncing for the Moneydance iphone/ipad app is not working well on some of our customer's network configurations. We apologize to those who have been affected by this. We have made it our top priority to redesign the syncing mechanism to address these issues.

    The next release of the app will include a syncing mechanism that is immune to issues with local network and router configurations.

    The new syncing mechanism will work in any network configuration and will not require both the desktop and device apps to be running at the same time. In addition, you will be able sync anywhere you have internet access.

    We are excited to roll out this fall an app with bulletproof connectivity that maintains the same standards of security and reliability you've found in the desktop version of Moneydance.

    We appreciate the patience that the Moneydance community who is affected by syncing issues has given us to figure out the best new implementation.

    Jon Hoover, Moneydance Support

  2. 2 Posted by James Walley on 14 Sep, 2011 04:38 AM

    James Walley's Avatar

    I'm very glad to hear your plans for the next version. Do you have any idea when it will be released? I'm right on the verge of upgrading my Palm Pre to an iPhone when they are released for Sprint next month (which would mean going from Quicken/Pocket Quicken to MoneyDance), but would be hesitant to trade in a solution that's currently working for one that isn't but is promised to Real Soon Now. Should I be looking to upgrade to the iPhone in the near future, or should I plan to hold off for a few weeks/months because it's unlikely the revised MD app will be ready until then?

  3. 3 Posted by martin.j.lowe on 27 Sep, 2011 05:30 PM

    martin.j.lowe's Avatar

    I also hope that the syncing issue can be sorted out.

    Last night I was able to sync desktop changes to the iPhone, but today made the foolish mistake of making entries on the phone at lunchtime and expected them to sync back to the desktop.

    Have thrown the receipts away as well :-(

  4. 4 Posted by larry on 20 Oct, 2011 04:42 PM

    larry's Avatar

    I wrestled with the challenges of getting Moneydance to sync with my iPhone for several months. Sometimes I would have to open the IOS app multiple times to get it to sync. Other times, I would open it several times with no success.

    I finally figured out a way that seems to work every time. If you open the App on your iPhone first, then open the desktop app, it seems to sync the first time every time.

    Hope this works for others. It's a great desktop and app combo. The syncing issue was the only major shortcoming that was frustrating me.

  5. 5 Posted by James Walley on 25 Oct, 2011 02:00 PM

    James Walley's Avatar

    larry --

    Interestingly, for me, it's the exact opposite. Opening the app first, and the program second, is a sure guarantee for it NOT to sync. Instead, I always have to open it on the desktop first, wait until it has finished updating stock prices, save the desktop data file if needed, and then open the iPhone app and sync is the only reliable way to get it to update on my system.

    I must say I find it a bit distressing that the powers that be are still rolling out the same boilerplate "We are excited to roll out this fall..." response at the end of October that they were posting at the beginning of September. Surely you'd think that they'd have made some sort of progress toward actually finishing the app in the past six weeks. The fact that we're still getting the same form letter suggests to me that the new app they're so excited about may be released in fall, but I'm not sure WHICH fall...

  6. 6 Posted by Jon Hoover on 27 Oct, 2011 11:24 PM

    Jon Hoover's Avatar

    I never thought of myself as 'the powers that be' but I suppose that's better then some names that I could be called ;-)
    Our lead developer today said he is hoping to have the code working and ready for testing by Halloween. Depending on how well it tests it could be sooner or later after that date but it is certainly still on track for the fall.
    Please let us know if you have any more questions.
    Jon Hoover, Moneydance Support

  7. 7 Posted by James Walley on 27 Oct, 2011 11:33 PM

    James Walley's Avatar

    That would be great. By the way, and I should probably post this in the forum, I personally haven't had a problem with the current version, but one can't be too safe.

    Sent from my iPhone

  8. 8 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 11 Jun, 2012 03:48 AM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar

    On June 7 we submitted the iOS app to Apple to approval, so we'll definitely post on our blog, Twitter, and Facebook as soon as it's available. This update includes significant improvements to syncing, including Dropbox based syncing. We're not sure how long the approval queue is (Apple is a bit opaque about it) but we're hoping soon! We'll also post on this thread when the app is available.

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  9. 9 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 19 Jun, 2012 04:48 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar

    Some bad news: Apple did not approve our latest update to the iPhone/iPad/iPod Moneydance app. This was due to the Dropbox authorisation page linking to an external signup form.

    The good news: we've re-submitted the app using a newer version of the Dropbox SDK that resolves the issue while also making the Dropbox authorisation a bit easier. This submission also fixes a few small bugs that were discovered in the past week.

    We're all very sorry for the additional delay in getting the app update. I expect it will be another 5 working days which is Apple's current advertised time to review app updates.

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  10. 10 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 27 Jun, 2012 07:31 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar

    We're delighted to announce that version 1.5 of the Moneydance app, including Dropbox based syncing, is now available. You can find the full announcement on our blog, and Knowledge base articles, including a video tutorial here. You can get to the app directly here

    If you have any questions, please post in our new category for questions about the app update. This will help us to more effectively address any questions related to the new version of the Moneydance iPhone app.

    We hope you love this new app as much as we do, and thanks as always for using Moneydance.

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  11. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:36 PM.

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