Can't get iPod Touch app to work.

alannies's Avatar


21 Apr, 2010 05:04 PM

It doesn't work for me, for some reason. I have the latest build of Moneydance (748), the extension (build 4), and the app. I can get the iPod touch recognized when I add the hexadecimal key and all seems ok at that point. Then when I touch the app on the iPod, the screen goes grey and the little wheel spins and says loading and then it reverts back to the iPod screen with the apps. Nothing opens related to Moneydance. What am I doing wrong?

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 21 Apr, 2010 06:52 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    Hi Alan

    Can you please try the following

    1) delete the app from their device.
    2) Go into the extension and remove the device from the list,
    3) change the "number of days to sync" to the minimum, 4) Re-install the app (from app store) and try the process again.

    If that fails, maybe powering off the device (press and hold the top button then slide the "Power Off" slider. Then press the power button again after the device is completely shut down)


  2. 2 Posted by alannies on 21 Apr, 2010 07:52 PM

    alannies's Avatar

    Hi Ben,
    I have tried all the steps including powering down the device after the first 4 steps didn't resolve the issue. Unfortunately it still won't work. The device is recognized by the extension but nothing happens when I tap the app icon except for the transient greying out of the screen with the spinning wheel and the "Loading ..." amd then I am back to the screen showing the apps. Does it matter where I have the moneydance data stored on my computer?

  3. Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 01 Jul, 2010 03:17 PM.

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