Ipad will not sync
I have been syncing Moneydance on my Mac with my Ipad for many months, but it has stopped working. I believe this is because I have moved house and am now using a different wifi box. Both devices are on the same network, but cannot "see" each other. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app on my Ipad (even though I lost some data as a result), but now my Mac does not list the Ipad when I choose "configure network syncing." They are both running at the same time, and I have tried different combinations of starting the app on each device first, but to no avail. I have also tried creating a network on my Mac and joining it from my Ipad, but it still does not work.
This is a key feature for me, because I use/update my data from my Ipad. This has cost me quite a bit of time trying to get it to work, and as I said, could not sync data that I had updated on my Ipad and lost it as a result.
Is there another way to sync, such as through the cable? If you are preparing an update to fix this problem, when will it be available?
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1 Posted by Jon Hoover on 20 Oct, 2011 06:01 PM
We are aware that syncing for the Moneydance iphone/ipad app is not working well on some of our customer's network configurations. We apologize to those who have been affected by this. We have made it our top priority to redesign the syncing mechanism to address these issues.
The next release of the app will include a syncing mechanism that is immune to issues with local network and router configurations.
The new syncing mechanism will work in any network configuration and will not require both the desktop and device apps to be running at the same time. In addition, you will be able sync anywhere you have internet access.
We are excited to roll out this fall an app with bulletproof connectivity that maintains the same standards of security and reliability you've found in the desktop version of Moneydance.
We appreciate the patience that the Moneydance community who is affected by syncing issues has given us to figure out the best new implementation. We will notify you once the new release is available.
Jon Hoover, Moneydance Support
2 Posted by Ken May on 07 Nov, 2011 05:10 PM
I have installed Moneydance on my Mac and the Moneydance App on my Ipad 2. I can not sync the two over the same network. Is the fix you spoke about now available?
3 Posted by Dinesh Naidu on 10 Jan, 2012 01:48 PM
In October it was indicated that the redesigned app would be relaease in the fall, as it is now January, can you please advise when it will actually be released.
Support Staff 4 Posted by Ethan on 10 Jan, 2012 03:07 PM
We are currently in beta testing of the new app. Unfortunately, we are unable to give a definite release date at this time.
Ethan Tupelo
Moneydance Support
5 Posted by Beppe on 26 Feb, 2012 08:58 PM
you have any info on the new version, which solves the synchronization problems? when it comes out?
tk Beppe
6 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 11 Jun, 2012 03:44 AM
On June 7 we submitted the iOS app to Apple to approval, so we'll definitely post on our blog, Twitter, and Facebook as soon as it's available. This update includes significant improvements to syncing, including Dropbox based syncing. We're not sure how long the approval queue is (Apple is a bit opaque about it) but we're hoping soon! We'll also post on this thread when the app is available.
Angie Rauscher
Moneydance Support
7 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 19 Jun, 2012 04:51 PM
Some bad news: Apple did not approve our latest update to the iPhone/iPad/iPod Moneydance app. This was due to the Dropbox authorization page linking to an external signup form.
The good news: we've re-submitted the app using a newer version of the Dropbox SDK that resolves the issue while also making the Dropbox authorization a bit easier. This submission also fixes a few small bugs that were discovered in the past week.
We're all very sorry for the additional delay in getting the app update. I expect it will be another 5 working days which is Apple's current advertised time to review app updates.
Angie Rauscher
Moneydance Support
8 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 27 Jun, 2012 07:30 PM
We're delighted to announce that version 1.5 of the Moneydance app, including Dropbox based syncing, is now available. You can find the full announcement on our blog, and Knowledge base articles, including a video tutorial here. You can get to the app directly here
If you have any questions, please post in our new category for questions about the app update. This will help us to more effectively address any questions related to the new version of the Moneydance iPhone app.
We hope you love this new app as much as we do, and thanks as always for using Moneydance.
Angie Rauscher
Moneydance Support
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:39 PM.