Changing of a amount is tricky...

tomcad's Avatar


22 Jul, 2012 07:20 PM

Hello MD!

I'm very exited about MD and MD Mobile!

I often change Values of Amounts, because I do monthly "Collective-Bookings" for Restaurants, Parkings and so on.
But I find, that the changing of a amount is very tricky:

If I tip the amount field, of a payment, i can't mark the whole Value to override it. I also can't use it as a Calculator to add Values.
So i have to have the value in mind, go with the Backspace thru the digits and the Currency, to delete it, and calculate the new value. (With mental arithmetic)

Ok, that keeps me trained ;-) , but now, I have to use the small Standard digits of the iPhone, to enter the new value (see Attachment)
Sometimes, after the deleting, MD changes from Payment to Income.
So, in fact, I often have to double-check the result and repeat the action...

So I would like to see the same Interface as for new amounts, or better: The Interface also supports Basic-Calculation-Operations.

Thank you for your great work!


  1. 1 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 22 Jul, 2012 11:09 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar


    We already have an existing feature request ticket for support for math in the mobile version, but I don't believe this will be implemented in the short term as it is a major undertaking. The ticket is attached to this discussion. By posting in this discussion your interest in the ticket has been registered. This is equivalent to voting for it, and you'll automatically be notified when we have updates.

    In the meantime, I'd suggest doing your more complex calculations on the desktop app- I mainly use the iPhone app for on the go stuff, and then break out more complex transactions when I get home and sync up. Still, it would be an awesome feature, and we'll keep you updated on it's progress.

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  2. 2 Posted by tomcad on 23 Jul, 2012 11:05 AM

    tomcad's Avatar

    Thank you 4 your quick response!

    That's in fact exactly also my Workgroups for the meantime.
    I'm happy to hear, that you work on this Feature.


  3. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:59 PM.

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