New extension: 'Accounts Categories Mega Search Window'

Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)

06 Apr, 2022 01:54 PM

Enhances the internal MD menu Tools>Accounts and Tools>Categories popup windows. It combines both accounts and categories in one list and provides a quick search capability. The new window only activates if you call it from the Extensions menu and once you close it, it's gone (unless you request it again).

Download here:

Do have a play and let me know any feedback?

Mr Toolbox
My Site:


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  1. 31 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 30 Mar, 2023 03:50 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    It should still be there?

  2. 32 Posted by RJron on 30 Mar, 2023 04:25 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    On Moneydance ? Cannot find it there.

    Can find on your site - is build 1005 dated 17 Nov 2022 the latest ? Seems like a long time - cos I thought it was updated later. :

  3. 33 Posted by RJron on 30 Mar, 2023 04:30 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    just updated my note above. apologies...

  4. 34 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 30 Mar, 2023 04:42 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Ah yes, that one is never on the internal MD menu list of extensions..

    Under the heading PREVIEW is latest preview unsigned.
    Under the heading "Signed Versions (hosted on this site" is the latest signed version

  5. 35 Posted by RJron on 30 Mar, 2023 06:29 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    So.. The latest is not there ?
    The 'preview' version - please advise version and date ? <<=====
    The 'signed on this site' version is 1005 dated 17-Nov-2022.

    If the preview version is must later and has a lot more changes/features ( now that I can rely on these ) I would not mind installing :-) in the hope that it would be signed soon.

  6. 36 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 30 Mar, 2023 06:36 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    The latest signed - 1005 17th Nov 2022 is there.. That's the latest in terms of functional changes.. There is a later preview which holds no new features that you can use....

  7. 37 Posted by RJron on 30 Mar, 2023 06:49 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    Thanks - installed and working !
    Looking forward to more improvements and updates...

  8. 38 Posted by RJron on 04 May, 2023 06:59 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    Hi Stuart,
    The inability to type and find ( I often call it 'drill down search' ) is getting more and more annoying each day. As such, I have to ask again - especially in relation to the Mega Search.

    I realise Mega Search uses Moneydances in house screen/codes/whatever to help create or edit accounts. However, I would REEEEEEALLY appreciate if you could do something to help the DEFAULT CATEGORY and PARENT ACCOUNT selection options in the add/edit screens. Are you able to somehow magically incorporate that drill down search there as well ? Or even if Mega Search can have its own form that will eventually pass it on to Moneydance to create/edit the account ?

    Am repeatedly having to go through 100s of categories and accounts and stuff line-by-line using a mouse to find something so simple.. is just getting the best of me.

    If it is not possible - ok. But I just had to ask... thanks for listening..

  9. 39 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 04 May, 2023 06:08 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    You're in luck. Easy...
    Grab PREVIEW build 1010 from my site:

    In the search filter box enter codes:
    {pa:} for parent account search {dc:} for default category search Replace the * with your search
    e.g. {pa:bob's account} or {dc:tax category}
    you can use both together for AND.
    anything outside the {}s will still search as before and again you can AND.

    Let me know how it goes?

  10. 40 Posted by RJron on 04 May, 2023 07:12 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    Hey there Stuart.. thanks a bunch. I am away.. and wasnt expecting a
    favourable reply ( even if I desperately wanted one ) but I am happy chappy
    that you actually did it.

    I will get cracking on this as asap.. and will surely provide feedback..
    its the least I can do.

    Thanks again...

  11. 41 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 04 May, 2023 08:57 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    If it works well, then I can easily incorporate more search options if they are useful.

  12. 42 Posted by RJron on 05 May, 2023 07:52 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    Hi Stuart,
    Apologies - perhaps I got this wrong or may be I was not clear. I could not understand where to put those codes. But just to be clear - here is what I'm trying to achieve:

    Example of creating a new bank account:
    OPTION-1 (default moneydance): Menu->Accounts->NewAccount->Bank
    OPTION-2 (MegaSearch): Menu->Extensions->Accounts&CategoriesMega...-> NEW -> Bank

    See screenshot with items highlighted in RED.
    We have to make a selection for these two items - but there is no search functionality here. You have to use your mouse and go through an extensive list of items. What I am hoping is to have some sort of type-search/drill-down functionality here. (This is also a problem is numerous other places in moneydance)

    The same goes for other options to open/edit.

    Possible ?

    PS. The MegaSearch main search field works exceptionally well already I think ( even without these codes). If you remember, we(YOU) created the EXPAND ALL (button) and COLLAPSE ALL ( minus sign button). Search currently finds only items that are expanded and visible. But once expanded/visible, search would pretty much find anything ( although I would like to think that better UI for it would be to:
      - Start with a default collapsed view ( unless user requests full expanded view by pressing the exand-all-button )
      - Type-search/Drill-down and find item ( even in fully collapsed view ). Search would locate its finds - auto-expand all its higher branches all the way to its root - while all other non-relevant roots & branches remain fully collapsed.

  13. 43 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 May, 2023 08:26 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    In the mega window, search field, bottom row, just type
    {dc:text} This will search all accounts and filter/include when it’s default account name = text

  14. 44 Posted by RJron on 05 May, 2023 09:28 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    ok. I'm not catching this well.
    I tried as you mentioned - results are:

    typing {pa:} in the search field:
     -- lists the parent accounts and also lists all categories. Adding any further text indeed finds the particular account. But this already works without the {pa:} entry ? Selecting an account and clicking NEW does not automatically populate the form with this account.

    {dc:} does not work the same as {pa:}. This actually removes all categories from the list and only displays accounts. Also, adding further text does not result in displaying the categories. This needs correction. But then, it works without the {dc:} entry field as well.

    Great idea about combining them using an AND or TO operand. That makes sense. I suppose you were planning on the ability to find, select/highlight both parent account and default category - then click NEW and it would throw the form with the parent account and default category already populated ? Is that what you had in mind ? I guess that will work for creating an account - but not for editing...

    The most ideal wouild perhaps be to somehow inject a search field into the form itself - if that is possible. If this is possible - then this can be replicated in several other areas as well i guess ( eg. on the dashboard, Reports ( in the forms themselves - but also to find a report )...

  15. 45 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 May, 2023 11:17 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    I don't understand..

    I have an account called FRED that has a 'default category' of xxx

    In the filter box I type
    {dc:xxx} it lists the account called FRED.

    Is this not what you wanted? To show accounts (e.g. FRED) with a default category of xxx

  16. 46 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 May, 2023 11:20 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Ah - as for {pa:*}, then I assume you are searching for parent accounts with a name that also exists in categories?

    sub: John

    sub: fuel

    {pa:FRED} will return both cat and acct's which are both parents called FRED?

    NOTE: categories ARE ALSO accounts...

    Is this what's happening?

    If so, I can adjust, but depends on requirements...?

  17. 47 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 May, 2023 11:21 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    .... and you already know that I cannot do this....

    "The most ideal wouild perhaps be to somehow inject a search field into the form itself - if that is possible. If this is possible - then this can be replicated in several other areas as well i guess ( eg. on the dashboard, Reports ( in the forms themselves - but also to find a report )..."

  18. 48 Posted by RJron on 05 May, 2023 11:37 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    Hi Stuart. Yes - I am aware you cannot do this.. but I just put that there
    - so you know what I am aiming for. The method does not matter as long as
    we get the same result.

    Perhaps this is just too daunting - but allow me to try to explain again:

    I often create new accounts ( mainly bank accounts from a moneydance
    perspective). I do this regularly - so becoming daunting to repeatedly find
    the PA (parent account) and also DC ( Default category ) to be used in this

    So, I would like to use mega search to create the bank account. Can I use
    your methods {pa:} AND {dc:} in the mega search field to find both items (
    yes - they are separate items ). And then select both items and click NEW
    and (somehow) both PA and DC get added to the new account form ?

    Your example of fred and xxx - is fine. But you are finding something that
    is already created. I am trying the opposite - I need to create the account.

    PS. If it helps, is there somehow I can send you info direct ?

  19. 49 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 May, 2023 07:25 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    My email is

  20. 50 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 May, 2023 07:29 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Ok. I get what you want, but I really can’t see how it’s quicker.

    You want to type pa and dc search strings for these to appear, so you can select two, so that you can create a new account with these two preset.

    How is that quicker than using the normal create account and then searching and selecting the pa and dc manually?

  21. 51 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 06 May, 2023 09:29 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Thoughts on my comments?

  22. 52 Posted by RJron on 06 May, 2023 12:40 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    Hi Stuart. Apologies.. i am driving most of yesterday and today.. so taking
    time to respond.
    Well.. its just easier.. a lot LOT easier.. especially when I often create
    new accounts. Eg. I place/break/renew deposits and the like which are all
    created as bank accounts in a heirarchy based on family member -> banks ->
    account type -> currency -> account list.

    Perhaps this might seem more like a 'want' than a 'need' to many.. . Which
    is why i also keep circling back to the type-search/drill-down feature
    missing in MD..

  23. System closed this discussion on 05 Aug, 2023 12:40 PM.

  24. RJron re-opened this discussion on 25 Apr, 2024 07:56 AM

  25. 53 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2024 07:56 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    Hello Stuart,
    Just updated to the latest version of Moneydance 2 days ago and updated all available extensions. Yet, today, got this error on the Megasearch.

    Please could you take a look and advice.

    The changelog for Moneydance mentioned a "Searchable Accounts and Categories" option - which got me all excited. But I don't see any such option on the dashboard. Are they talking about the search option on Megasearch which we talked about earlier ? None of the earlier suggestions re. search / drill-down etc for accounts have been implemented as yet.

  26. 54 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 02 May, 2024 07:48 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Sorry. I missed this. This ACMSW is not compatible with the 2024 upgrade. But, 2024 tools/accounts & categories now has a search field and many other new features. So, there is a new signed build on my site, BUT it will not run on MD2024. If you want to install it you will have to install it using MD2023.

  27. 55 Posted by RJron on 09 May, 2024 03:13 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    Thank you Stuart.
    I have updated - and thus uninstalled the extension and can indeed find this now incorporated into moneydance. But I'm perplexed as to WHY this is still not available on the dashboard.. when this can be a super useful tool for anyone using moneydance.

    Not sure if the updated version you have on your site has any additional features.. although I would prefer to avoid downgrades unless necessary.

  28. System closed this discussion on 08 Aug, 2024 03:20 PM.

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