Available for Download (with or without Source): What's Left
I've wrote a real simple extension which i find handy, it's not polished/cleaned up, it's just plain text results
You can download it here:
What it does:
For any bank account (not credit cards, loans, etc.), it will look
at your current balance, look at your upcoming transaction
reminders, and tell you what is left until next income, and how
many days away that next income is. Using that information, it also
gives you how much you have per day for each day left (simple
division of amount left divided by days until payday).
This presumes you :
1. Use reminders for ALL your bills
2. Use reminders for your regular income
Also, it does not update until you reopen it from the extension menu, it does not 'listen' yet to transactions as they happen and update, though doing that if desired probably wouldn't require much more work (Just add listener handlers for transactions and reminders which call 'update' function.
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1 Posted by robwilkens on 04 Feb, 2012 01:59 PM
Update: It only looks up to 60 days ahead, figuring most people get paid at least once a month. I should have mentioned that.
2 Posted by robwilkens on 05 Feb, 2012 12:26 AM
Update2: Fixed a couple of things. If anyone downloaded it (i don't have logs), may want to update. Specifically, if you already recorded a transaction today it should now ignore it in the calculations. Also, there was a potential divide by zero error if the income reminder was dated today, fixed that too. Not sure but as of v3 these issues are taken care of to my knowledge.
v4: Now will tell you if you have no income scheduled for future, which would make this extension useless because it needs to know when next income is to tell you how much is left until payday.
v5: Bug fix (error with displaying upcoming incorrect balance remaining if no bill reminders between now and next income)
v6-v8 bug fixes: Last update 4/2/2012 .. This corrected some issues with multiple transactions occuring on one date..
3 Posted by james f on 05 Feb, 2012 01:02 AM
Great Idea.
However, one can already schedule Reminders to post to one's Moneydance account ledger up to 365 days in the future.
I already know how much I have, and will have, for the next 365 days from now in my ledger.
I have a fixed, monthly income. That is why I can have my income scheduled in to my ledger 365 days in advance.
See attached sceenshots.
4 Posted by robwilkens on 05 Feb, 2012 01:22 AM
Perhaps i'm a newbie, but i'm not 100% sure how to pull those screens up - - our situations our similar:
-i get income once per month from SS -I pay capital one credit card (almost paid off)
To me, those look like future transactions that have been recorded, not reminders from the calendar, i.e. with recurrances (evey x wednesday for example).
However, I like the simple idea of:
Until next income, exactly how many days are left (i.e. with social security for me this month it's 28 days between checks, and next month its 35 days between chekcs). Also, since i get a fixed amount monthly,I like to break it down to how much i have per day. Most months lately it's been (because i've been dedicating a lot to credit cards) about $5/day left. When I don't spend the money on something else for the day, I'll take that extra $5 (knowing what i have per day) and pay down CC with it, that's just something i do and is probably more quirky.
Quicken had this feature, and i just got used to it.
My thing doesn't schedule anything, it looks at current balance and scheduled reminders (not necessarily future recorded transactions).
5 Posted by robwilkens on 05 Feb, 2012 01:29 AM
Below are some of my screenshots just to share:
6 Posted by robwilkens on 05 Feb, 2012 02:00 AM
One final comment for now, if you schedule transactions in the future, i cannot guarantee that this app will work for you. I just use 'current balance' and 'reminders'. Perhaps i oversimplified it by not presuming there are future transactions scheduled.
7 Posted by james f on 05 Feb, 2012 03:00 PM
Take a look at some of my Transaction Reminder screenshots.
As I have said, I have them scheduled to be in my ledger 365 days into the future.
What I have in my ledgers are Transaction Reminders.
To add Transaction Reminders, you click on New Transaction Reminder.
Screenshots 1 - 5 show how to schedule Transaction Reminders to post to your ledger up to 365 days into the future.
In screenshots 6 and 8, you click where the arrow is located to bring up screenshots 7 and 9.
Argh, screenshots 6 and 8 don't show the arrow. You click on the bottom right hand corner where it says Balance: $xxx.xx .
8 Posted by robwilkens on 05 Feb, 2012 03:11 PM
Oh i see you're doing "Auto-Commit", I didn't realize that -- that was what i didn't understand. I wouldn't want any transaction to auto commit without my manual intervention. For example, let's say i auto-commit a social security deposit, but then the government has one of those 'debt ceiling' issues and decides to stop paying, i'll think i have the money when it's not there. Also, if i auto-commit a credit card payment, i might think i already made the payment, when i never actually did. The only time an auto-commit might be useful for me would be for an automatic (by the bank) transfer which i do no manual intervention on (for example, i have an automatic $25 checking to savings transfer once per month. Still, i'd prefer to commit that myself too so i see when it happens.
9 Posted by james f on 05 Feb, 2012 03:24 PM
I receive SSDI. I have been receiving SSDI since 2003. In all this time, not once has the Federal Government decide to stop paying due to any type of "debt ceiling". I don't believe that there is a "debt ceiling" when it comes to Social Security payments, at least I haven't experience any.
For me, Auto-Commit my Transaction Reminders reminds me to make my payments on time every month. That is what a Transaction Reminder is, it's just a reminder.
10 Posted by robwilkens on 05 Feb, 2012 03:28 PM
I receive SSDI too, since 2003 as well (though they backdated my application to 2001).. However, just last year the republican congress wanted to block the debt ceiling from being increased, which would have meant the governent wouldn't have been able to pay any of their bills including social security checks. They made a compromise agreement and raised the ceiling when they agreed to make significant cuts to other government programs (including 50% coming from military budget for example, which they're working on now), there's only so many more cuts they can agree to make if the debt ceiling comes up again, and at current rate it just might happen. Note, that's why i subscribe (as you may have seen in my screenshots of bills) to new york times, it's worth keeping up with the news.
11 Posted by robwilkens on 08 Feb, 2012 08:30 PM
Just FYI - I've just updated v5 with a bug fix. I don't think anyone other than me is using this, but if you are, redownload from original link.
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:48 PM.