Security Transaction Loader

mjw's Avatar


03 May, 2024 02:55 PM

I hope that Mike Bray sees this post.

I'm a long time user of Quote Loader and a more recent user of Security Price Loader for my bonds. Love them both and use them daily! I'm soon to be moved from TD Ameritrade to Schwab (in one week) and I'm told that they don't do OFX so I then won't have any method of downloading investment transactions after the move. I've looked at your Security Transaction Loader (loadsectrans) for this but I had a tough time mapping the fields and then I read somewhere that it doesn't do buys/sells either. I suppose I could do without the buys/sells part (although it would come in handy for the little bit of trading I do) but I could certainly use a hand on the mapping for the dividend part of my transactions. (I currently have ~100 equities in 3 different accounts so I have quite a bit of transactions going on, usually several per week).

I'm trying to avoid using Plaid for as long as practical. I suppose I'll do things manually until I tire of it but if I could figure out loadsectrans that would make life easier. Any documents on the loadsectrans mapping?

Thanks for your work. It's appreciated!

  1. 1 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 04 May, 2024 06:37 AM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar


    I have a version of Security Transaction Load that does do buys/sells. For this to work your .csv file must have a units column.

    As far as the fields are concerned what you have to achieve is a mapping between the transaction type in the csv file and the Moneydance transaction types. You add a transaction type for each different type in your csv file. Please have a look at the Wiki at

    It explains how to load it and how it works. Please note that this version is not verified by TIK. You will get a red band warning message about the extension, just click on Ignore.
    Security Transaction Load<>
    Repository for releasing extensions by Mike Bray. Contribute to mrbray99/moneydanceproduction development by creating an account on GitHub.


  2. 2 Posted by mjw on 04 May, 2024 02:10 PM

    mjw's Avatar

    I was using an older version 3036 so I uninstalled that one and installed your latest version 3206. But all I see when I launch it is an error. See screenshot.

  3. 3 Posted by DrgnMastr on 04 May, 2024 03:46 PM

    DrgnMastr's Avatar

    What version of Moneydance are you running?

  4. 4 Posted by mjw on 04 May, 2024 04:17 PM

    mjw's Avatar

    Until an hour ago I was running 5064. I updated to 5118 and still receive the same error. Running Ubuntu.

  5. 5 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 05 May, 2024 08:39 AM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    It has taken some time but I have reproduced this error, it only happens on Linux. I will investigate.

  6. 6 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 05 May, 2024 10:04 AM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    Please go to

    Download file loadsectrans321101.mxt
    Change its name to loadsectrans.mxt
    Uninstall the Security Transaction Load extension
    Load the above file using Add From File under manage extensions
    Hopefully this will work

  7. 7 Posted by mjw on 05 May, 2024 01:01 PM

    mjw's Avatar

    Version 321101 seems to work now, thanks! I don't currently have any new transactions to actually load in but I will in a couple days.

    My TDA csv file required some modifications to work with loadsectrans. Loadsectrans requires a Transaction Type field which the TDA csv doesn't provide. I can create that field. MD must infer the Transaction Type from the Description field in the OFX download.

    There does seem to be one distinct csv field that loadsectrans doesn't account for - fees. For certain equity sells there frequently is a small fee that should be accounted for in the sell register line in MD. As near as I can tell I'd have to manually go into the MD register to add that. Another csv field that loadsectrans doesn't account for is unit price. But that probably doesn't matter since price can be inferred by dividing amount by units which I think MD does automatically.

    It will be interesting to see what kind of csv file Schwab will produce. I'll find out after they move my TDA accounts over next week. Since I don't currently have a Schwab account I have no idea what it looks like.

  8. 8 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 05 May, 2024 01:51 PM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    Great, yes the unit price is inferred. Yes I didn't put in fees. I
    will have to think about that.

    On 05/05/2024 14:01, mjw wrote:

  9. 9 Posted by mjw on 07 May, 2024 12:27 PM

    mjw's Avatar

    I finally got to test loadsectrans with real data. Everything works correctly, mostly. What doesn't is that the description data doesn't stick - it just disappears, Here's what I mean (see screenshots):
    1) this one shows my scv file. Description is clear.
    2) this one shows that loadsectrans sees the description correctly when I click "Load"
    3) This is the "Save" screen. Description is gone. Something happened to the description between the "Load" screen and the "Save" screen.
    4) This is my resulting MD register after the import showing no description.

  10. 10 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 08 May, 2024 10:25 AM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    OK, I am waiting on Sean to sign my extensions after which I can address
    these issues.

  11. System closed this discussion on 07 Aug, 2024 10:30 AM.

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