Moneydance+ not updating or taking a excessively long time to download transactions
Well now my latest problem with the plaid downloads are its taking 4 to 5 days or more for the transacations to be downloaded and updated in my accounts i can go to the bank websites and down load the QFX files a day to 2 days after a transaction but plaid doesn't download it for 4 days or more after the transactions are cleared at the bank i have refreshed and relinked all the accounts and they do download but late and now a transaction that was conducted on amazon on the 1st still has not been updated even though on the 2nd the transaction was updated and cleared on the account at amazon and I'm still waiting for plaid to update it since the first of the year the download update times keep taking longer .i Refreshed and relinked the account 2 times now with no change.
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1 Posted by dtd on 07 Feb, 2024 08:37 PM
Plaid is not immediate like OFX. With OFX you connect directly to the bank. With Plaid, the bank makes transactions available (at some point), and Plaid picks them up (at some point).
4-5 days is a little longer than normal, but the delay is usually 2-7 days, with the longer periods being around holidays. You cannot change this on your end, refreshing or relinking or resetting won't make it any faster.
2 Posted by on 07 Feb, 2024 10:30 PM
keeping that in mind why has it increased decidedly to take longer which begs the question of why pay for the convenience if its so hit or miss when i first started moneydance+ was pretty quick about upfdates but now its slower with no explaiination provided anmd evidently now way to get it corrected. I'm tired and irratable right now due to surgery so please don't think I'm taking it out on you but i'm tired of businesses treating me like they are saying you'll take what I decide to give you and like it . I paid for a service for convenience now i expect it to be provided reasonbly on time or provide me a way to have it corrected or a reasonable explaination for the degrade in service. there is no way to complain directly to plaid for a resolution.
3 Posted by dtd on 07 Feb, 2024 11:36 PM
First, I'm just a user, like you are. I just happen to know how things tend to work with MD and Plaid, and am reporting it to you.
Second, it has not increased decidedly to take longer. What I report has been true ever since MD+ started. Since you are getting the information from an aggregator (Plaid) versus directly from the bank (OFX), there is a delay in passing the information around.
It has been 2-7 days from the beginning. 2-3 normally, 4-5 during who knows why (weekends often, or closing periods for credit cards), and 6-7 during holiday periods.
Turns out this week seems to be in the 4-5 day area for you right now, maybe even longer for Amazon (though that may indeed be a different issue).
This is not "hit or miss" - it's very consistent in the 2-7 day area, for the reasons stated. Nothing has changed.
That said, you may perceive a change, because you didn't know how this worked.
I'm sorry you had to go through surgery, but I never even intimated "you'll take what I decide to give you and like it". I simply was telling you how things work with MD+(Plaid).
So, finally, "now i expect it to be provided reasonably on time" - nothing has changed. so nothing to fix, other than your decision on continuing to use the service.
"have it corrected" - nothing to correct (except, again, maybe Amazon if it is different)
"reasonable explanation for the degrade in service" - hope I've done that - the reasonable explanation is the service is acting as it has been, no degrade in service other than the normal delays I've explained.
As to your last sentence - "there is no way to complain directly to plaid for a resolution" - I wholeheartedly agree, and despise that as well, especially as Plaid gets all the subscription money, MD/IK only collects it.
Hope that helps. Just a user.
4 Posted by dwg on 08 Feb, 2024 01:46 AM
In the U.S., if people want automated downloads the institutions are increasing forcing people to use aggregation services as they abandon support for Direct Connect. There are no laws to force the institutions to provide data or a service to their customers.
The institutions want you to go elsewhere and not bother them, so they have wiped their hands of the issue. The aggregators can partially do this when it is financial software that is trying to capture the data by only dealing directly with those vendors and not necessarily providing much in the way of service their either, they never seem to have any trouble charging for the "service" however.
Some institutions are also guilty of trying to block aggregators as well or to only use their nominated aggregator.
In discussions with the developer it came out that some aggregators only want to deal with vendors that are U.S. based or at the very least has a legal U.S. presence, Moneydance is U.K. based.
So restrictive trade practices are rife.
It really means that customers are being left to deal with it. Vendors like The Infinite Kind (Moneydance) cannot do much about it other than refer issues to the aggregator, TIK have little in the way of leverage since the only option for them is to use another aggregator, if they can. So TIK are just a middle man with little ability to do anything.
As a customer your institution is not interested in talking to you, the aggregators are not, so you are getting more remote from where the issues normally lie.
Solutions are few, it is not viable for TIK to become an aggregator. TIK are a small company and their software is sold worldwide. Being pragmatic as a customer all you can really do is to look to download transaction files and import them. There is nothing to force the Institutions and the aggregators to play nicely with each other let alone the end customer.
Unfortunately this is the reality.
5 Posted by on 09 Feb, 2024 12:45 AM
To dtg when i said about the take what i give you and like it was not intended or directed at you or about you if you re-read the statement i said i was tired of a business treating me like that not that was what i thought you were saying to me please accept my apology for the wording that may hjave been misconstrued about my statement. and thank you both for the additional clarity. Again i restate that my frustration is with the fact there is no way to directly address this to the business itself but is kind of leaving Infinite kind holding the bag instead of the real culprits being held responsible much like politicians aree rarely if ever held acountable for thier actions. it is a fact of life that i find wholly unacceptable i spent 20 years in the military where we were personally held responsible for our actions and not allowed to pawn it all off onto the lowest person in the chain of command. and i find it frustrating that it is increasingly accepted practice in the civilian world In this case infinite kind having to face and try to correct something that is out of thier control. For the record it is now the 7th day and the account still has not been updated. again before this year when i first started was usually done within 2 to 3 days but now keeps taking longer and longer ast the bank accounts in question have been doing business with most of them 10 years or more and in 3 of the instances over 35 years and they all have been declining in service . So far every one of them at least have a phone number can call to addrees the issue whatever it might be however increasingly they are now depending on AI to try to deal with the customers . In highschool was taught the first rule of business was find out what your customer wnts and give it to them. now it seems that the rule is now the customer is always wrong so tell them to shut up and take what we decide you deserve. I've said enough and more than i orginally wanted to. Sorry if it offended any of you as was not directed at either of you or infinitekind to any businesses that are reading this "if the shoe fits wear it if not sure at least try it on to verify it doesn't"
6 Posted by dtd on 09 Feb, 2024 03:53 AM
If you are at seven days, I'd go to Setup Moneydance+, go to the account in question, and click on it, and click on "Reset Sync date" (also note what date it lists currently) and set it to, for example, Jan 1. You may get duplicates from Jan 1, but you may (or may not) get the data you are missing.
If anything it will provide more data on your situation.
7 Posted by on 09 Feb, 2024 04:04 AM
Ok will give that a try and let you know if successful. Thank You
8 Posted by on 09 Feb, 2024 04:16 AM
OK went to try what you suggested and the card and account was completely
gone on the plaid setup screen so then tried to set it back up plaid
reported that it was experiencing difficulty connecting to Amazons credit
card accounts so eveidently it is something going on with the Amazon
Accounts and Plaid link believe that might affect more accounts affiliated
with the same bank Synacorp which i believe serves some other businesses as
well so might be at that if anybody else runs into this also. Can still
connect the banks website though so is a issue with the 2 connecting to
each other
9 Posted by dtd on 09 Feb, 2024 06:20 AM
As I said, Amazon may be a different issue, sounds like it might be.
My amazon account (which is with Chase) is working.
That's about all I can say - definitely sounds like a problem (different than the it takes 2-7 days "normality".)
10 Posted by TonyRI on 09 Feb, 2024 02:30 PM
FWIW my Amazon Prime Card Synchrony Bank account, linked via Moneydance+, has skipped txns several times over the last few months. I haven't filed an official report as I was hoping that it was just a temporary glitch, When I just went back to look through the account, I was actually surprised to see how many transactions were missed dating back to April!
6 txns skipped 1/1/24
1 skipped 10/30/23
1 skipped 9/28/23
4 skipped 8/30-8/31/23
1 skipped 7/31/23
2 skipped 4/27-4/28/23
3 skipped 4/4/23
Seems like transactions around the end/beginning of the month are being skipped over for some strange reason. The Ledger balance is always correct and MOST of the txns are downloaded correctly, so I've just been manually marking the skipped transactions as cleared along the way.
I'm not sure if Synacorp is related to Synchrony bank, or Synchrony Financial, or if it's just coincidental, but I've been having the exact same issue with my Amazon Prime Card Account and Plaid/MD+
Support Staff 11 Posted by Maddy on 09 Feb, 2024 02:42 PM
After escalating the connectivity issue with Synchrony Bank to Plaid support, we've received the reply below:
'Thanks for passing this along! Unfortunately, our Synchrony Bank integration will require a full rebuild, and all Plaid connections will fail until that's complete. We’re currently unable to give an exact date for when this will be rebuilt, however I've set this ticket to on-hold so you will be updated once this issue is resolved.
Optionally, you can encourage your customer to reach out to Synchrony Bank on Plaid’s behalf to ask them to submit a contact request via “" (scroll down to “Get started today”), if they are interested in collaborating directly with us on an API integration. Synchrony Bank submitting this request will ensure we engage with them directly to integrate with them and add support.
Please feel free to reach back out in the meantime if you have any questions. I do apologize for the inconvenience this causes and appreciate your understanding.
Plaid Support
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
12 Posted by TonyRI on 09 Feb, 2024 03:09 PM
Thanks Maddy. I just provided my information in the "Get started today" section. Curious to see how this progresses.
13 Posted by on 09 Feb, 2024 06:12 PM
14 Posted by on 09 Feb, 2024 06:53 PM
Don't Know what happened to my Reply using my Iphone but Thanks for the catch on my misspelling Synchrony i didn't notice i had misspelled it as being Syncorp and Thank you to everyone for listening to my frustartion and working to the resolution will jump on the bandwagon for the contact request as well that way it will show that it is a widespread problem requiring attention and not just a few discontent malconcontents .
15 Posted by dtd on 10 Feb, 2024 03:15 AM
So indeed, this thread seems to be about two issues, not one... (Amazon/Synchrony as well as a perception of how long it should take to get downloads in general)
16 Posted by dwg on 10 Feb, 2024 03:41 AM
Replies using devices like iPhones routinely fail, just reposting the original response, it gets to be rather annoying for those responding as well as it tends to just create noise.
This is why we routinely advise people to use the web interface.
17 Posted by on 10 Feb, 2024 04:53 AM
ok you win go ahead and read me the riot act I repeatedly apologized but obviously that is not enough Maddy please mark thios as solved as it no longer appeaqrs that this conversation is going to be productive any longer
18 Posted by dtd on 10 Feb, 2024 05:06 AM
Sorry you are still tired and irritable from your surgery.
Personally, I think we tried to sincerely help you achieve answers to your questions.
Sorry you seem to think otherwise.
I agree, I think any usefulness of this thread is at an end.
19 Posted by TonyRI on 10 Feb, 2024 03:00 PM
Actually, I have one thing to add.
I completely misread Maddy's response. Specifically the sentence:
"Optionally, you can encourage your customer to reach out to Synchrony Bank on Plaid’s behalf to ask them to submit a contact request via “" (scroll down to “Get started today”), if they are interested in collaborating directly with us on an API integration"
For some reason (I'm old) I thought that I was supposed to complete the "Get started today" section. I entered "NA" for Company Name and provided my own email address. I never received any automated response and was wondering why, until I re-read the statement.
So I have a question that's related to and reinforces Stewart's statement:
"Again i restate that my frustration is with the fact there is no way to directly address this to the business itself but is kind of leaving Infinite kind holding the bag instead of the real culprits being held responsible..."
HOW IN THE WORLD am I supposed to ask "...Synchrony Bank, on Plaid's behalf to submit a contact request?"
Where would I begin? "Hello, Synchrony Bank. Can you please fill out some form on the internet to collaborate with Plaid so I can get all of my transactions downloaded from my Amazon Prime Card account via Moneydane+"
We're not dealing with a local bank here and this makes absolutely no sense to me.
Okay, for S&G prior to posting this, I decided to call the number on the back of my Credit Card for assistance (1-866-634-8379). After the menu options "Check your balance, I lost my card, I want to pay my bill, etc., I spoke with and very nice CSR and explained that I have an "unusual" request. I explained that I use a Financial Management Program called Moneydance who uses a Data Aggregator Service, called Plaid. I described the situation, provided the link ( I was placed on hold so that the rep could speak to her manager.
Here is the response:
"I spoke to my manager and he said that we don't facilitate those kinds of requests. You can access your transactions at any time on our website. We don't work with 3rd party services." She was very nice and apologetic.
Kind of what I expected.
So here we are.
20 Posted by TonyRI on 10 Feb, 2024 03:42 PM
PS You can close this discussion yourself at any time by going to:
Click on "Close the discussion"
Thanks for your service and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
21 Posted by on 10 Feb, 2024 05:25 PM
Thank You TonyRI (for your assistance and persistence also you were not dismissive of my concerns and that is appreciated) You in fact demonstrated that there was a way to address it to the account bank and through your efforts also Plaid was contacted and notified of the issue I tried to close it myself using the avaiiiable close this discussion button but it wouldn't allow me despite being signed in which is why i requested Maddy to I know she monitors this and is quite good at keeping stuff up to date. closed this discussion on 10 Feb, 2024 05:26 PM.