downloading investments into moneydance

Terry 's Avatar


14 Feb, 2024 11:44 PM

How do I download my investment portfolio into moneydance

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 15 Feb, 2024 08:36 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Terry,
    Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.

    After creating your investment accounts as outlined in this section of the Knowledge Base, you can either set up automatic downloads or manually import your data into your accounts.

    Currently, Moneydance supports automatic downloads using Direct Connect (mainly in the US) or Moneydance + (US and Canada).

    Without Direct Connect and Moneydance +, you can import your data into the program using the OFX or QFX file format, if either of these are available from your bank's website. If not, you can use the QIF file format.
    Please find the steps for manually importing your data in this article.

    • If you wish, you can download the trial version of Moneydance from our website on this page.

    The trial version is fully functional and allows you to manually enter 100 transactions. Imported transactions are not limited, so you'll be able to fully test downloading data from your bank, and importing data from other personal finance software.
    If you decide to purchase the program at a later date you can keep all data you have entered during the trial period.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have further questions or need any assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. System closed this discussion on 16 May, 2024 08:40 AM.

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