Prevent a downloaded transaction
I have an account with a stock split. It downloads as a BuyXfr transaction adding the necessary shares at some nonsensical price. I delete this transaction and conveniently use the stock split function. Everything is OK until I download again and receive the BuyXfr transaction.
For now, I've just changed this to a Buy transaction at 0 shares, $0. Is there a cleaner way to eliminate the transaction and prevent it from downloading henceforth.
I've searched a few of the top hits for "Stock Split BuyXfr" but couldn't find an answer my question.
2023.3 build 5064 using Moneydance+
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1 Posted by dwg on 22 Feb, 2024 09:43 PM
If Moneydance does not find a transaction with the same ID in the register that is available for download it will download it.
Only by modifying the downloaded transaction can you prevent it being downloaded again, you have done this by changing the value, the only other way is to turn it into a usable transaction which is not really possible with a split transactions.
It sounds like it may be coming in from the Institution as some sort of buy transactions which of course it isn't.
System closed this discussion on 23 May, 2024 09:50 PM.