MD+ PayPal account downloads foreign currency amount

kerrychesbro's Avatar


12 Mar, 2024 06:53 PM

I have a PayPal account which has USD as its currency and a matching MD account with the base currency in USD.
When downloading using MD+, a PayPal transaction that was charged in a currency other than USD, has the amount downloaded in the transaction as the foreign currency amount, not the USD amount that PayPal charged my account.

The downloaded transaction should be in USD, and it would be nice to have the Memo field have the foreign currency type and amount.

As it is, I end up leaving the transaction as downloaded and put in a manual transaction that has the difference between the USD amount and foreign amount. That makes the account balance correct and leaved the downloaded transaction alone so a subsequent download will match and ignore it.

Instead, if I change the amount of the downloaded transaction to the USD amount, then the next download will create a new transaction with the foreign currency amount.

  1. System closed this discussion on 11 Jun, 2024 07:00 PM.

  2. kerrychesbro re-opened this discussion on 31 Aug, 2024 04:20 AM

  3. 1 Posted by kerrychesbro on 31 Aug, 2024 04:29 AM

    kerrychesbro's Avatar

    This is still occurring. I recently used PayPal to pay for a Japanese Yen transaction for ~$1700. The JPY amount was 243,000. So suddenly my PayPal account looked negative by that amount.

    It seems that either Plaid isn't reporting the $ amount or MD+ is using the wrong Plaid field to create the downloaded transaction.

    PayPal has all the right information:
    Paid with
    Visa Card
    (VISA Credit Card x-)
    You'll see "PAYPAL *" on your card statement.
    Exchange rate
    $1,755.25 USD = ¥243,000 JPY
    1 USD = $138.4416 JPY
    Transaction ID
    Seller info
    Invoice ID
    Purchase details
    Purchase amount
    ¥243,000 JPY
    ¥243,000 JPY

  4. 2 Posted by dwg on 31 Aug, 2024 07:25 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a fellow Moneydance Customer.

    You need to go into the account, right click on the transaction and select "Show Raw Details" and post that output.

    That should show us what data was received from Plaid.

  5. 3 Posted by kerrychesbro on 31 Aug, 2024 04:52 PM

    kerrychesbro's Avatar

    This is what was in the raw details (except for hiding the vendor URL)
    Looks like the memo field has the US$ and should be processed.

    0.acctid: 447ed476-5473-4a98-bca3-4b55e61c867c
    0.desc: fee650f1-2491-4f0d-b6ac-cae768c4be6d
    0.pamt: -24300000
    0.samt: 24300000
    acctid: 561fc8a1-d1e8-426f-8fc1-6c005efd3444
    dt: 20240830
    dtentered: 1725077100695
    id: 100c1947-7b8e-4de5-ab3f-3b7c089755f3
    memo: In JPN $1,755.25
    obj_type: txn
    ol.match-status: 0
    ol.match-type: 0
    ol.orig-memo: Payment to JPY place online Service:Travel Agents and Tour Operators
    ol.orig-txn: {
      "amt" = "-24300000"
      "category" = "Service:Travel Agents and Tour Operators"
      "category_id" = "18067000"
      "dtinit-int" = "20240830"
      "dtpstd-int" = "20240830"
      "extra.original_date" = "2024-08-30"
      "extra.pending" = "0"
      "fi_id" = "mdplus:oJ8gdojX3ju6Z0VQ6VdXsn08Xxvk1gHrPj4a3"
      "fitxnid" = "1v8569rR0rSKdjQyRv4wuDZ0eXJaEbHER0vEe"
      "iso_curr" = "JPY"
      "memo" = "Payment to JPY place online Service:Travel Agents and Tour Operators"
      "merchant_nm" = ""
      "name" = ""
      "pending" = "0"
      "pmt_channel" = "online"
      "txn_type" = "place"

    ol_fi_id: mdplus:oJ8gdojX3ju6Z0VQ6VdXsn08Xxvk1gHrPj4a3
    ol_fitid_1: 1v8569rR0rSKdjQyRv4wuDZ0eXJaEbHER0vEe
    td: 20240830
    ts: 1725077356785

    Here is another example, the charge was 59 Euros and the transaction posted 59.00 at the charge. My PayPal account is a US$ one:

    0.acctid: aad7d64e-31a3-4f0f-9bcf-0723170577a4
    0.desc: xxx Europe GMBH 83f948fe-a31e-4673-ad9b-352993f769b1
    0.pamt: -5900
    0.samt: 5900
    acctid: 561fc8a1-d1e8-426f-8fc1-6c005efd3444
    desc: xxx Europe GMBH
    dt: 20240808
    dtentered: 1723205532657
    id: c14a2f79-bf69-4146-812f-1b2f7e84875d
    memo: €59.00 xxx Tour
    obj_type: txn
    ol.match-status: 0
    ol.match-type: 1
    ol.orig-memo: Payment to xxx Europe GMBH xxx Europe Gmbh EUR special in store Transfer:Debit
    ol.orig-payee: xxx Europe Gmbh
    ol.orig-txn: {
      "amt" = "-5900"
      "category" = "Transfer:Debit"
      "category_id" = "21006000"
      "dtinit-int" = "20240808"
      "dtpstd-int" = "20240808"
      "extra.original_date" = "2024-08-08"
      "extra.pending" = "0"
      "fi_id" = "mdplus:oJ8gdojX3ju6Z0VQ6VdXsn08Xxvk1gHrPj4a3"
      "fitxnid" = "4ro51zxemxuv9L6yDMBOSVYNbaer8DUJMK555"
      "iso_curr" = "EUR"
      "memo" = "Payment to xxx Europe GMBH xxx Europe Gmbh EUR special in store Transfer:Debit"
      "merchant_nm" = "xxx Europe Gmbh"
      "name" = "xxx Europe Gmbh"
      "pending" = "0"
      "pmt_channel" = "in store"
      "txn_type" = "special"

    ol_fi_id: mdplus:oJ8gdojX3ju6Z0VQ6VdXsn08Xxvk1gHrPj4a3
    ol_fitid_1: 4ro51zxemxuv9L6yDMBOSVYNbaer8DUJMK555
    rec_asof: 20240811
    rec_dt: 1723639172473
    stat: X
    td: 20240808
    ts: 1723639172479

    Now, I don't see the US$ amount in the memo field like the previous example.

    I can provide other examples if needed.

  6. 4 Posted by kerrychesbro on 31 Aug, 2024 04:56 PM

    kerrychesbro's Avatar

    Looks like Plaid is not providing all the information that MD+ needs to process PayPal foreign transactions.

  7. 5 Posted by dtd on 31 Aug, 2024 08:50 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    Hmmm - is this a business paypal account or a personal paypal account?

    If business, there is a Moneydance extension called "Download Paypal Transactions". It might do the same thing that Plaid does, but it would be interesting to see what it did, especially the transaction itself as well as the details like you published above.

    Not IK support, and also don't often do currency transactions, but just pointing the extension out.

  8. 6 Posted by dwg on 31 Aug, 2024 10:08 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    If the figure in the Amount field are in the purchase currency, rather than your local currency, Moneydance is not going to handle this well. The software is not performing any analysis of the transaction's currency, which it would need to do to be able to do any intelligent processing. As it stands Moneydance maps the downloaded data to fields in the register, it does not perform any other analysis.

    It would seem Paypal are providing the purchase data more in the original transaction form, rather than the transactions data in the form it posts to your account.

  9. 7 Posted by kerrychesbro on 01 Sep, 2024 03:16 AM

    kerrychesbro's Avatar

    This is a personal account.

    But PayPal is not providing the data directly to MD, it is coming from the Plaid integrator. Obviously, PayPal has the needed data, but Plaid is in-between. MD staff need to discuss the issue with Plaid and figure out how to get the proper data for MD to use from Plaid.

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