Moneydance+ considerations
Your website says that connections to UK banks are coming soon, but that was a few years ago. Can you tell me what is the status. Is there as list of UK Banks that is supported by Moneydance+?
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1 Posted by dwg on 19 May, 2024 09:42 PM
I'm a fellow Moneydance user.
There are no UK banks supported by Moneydance+
For North America the aggregator being used for Moneydance+ is Plaid. It has been found that using them outside of that region is not viable and as well they only support a relatively small number of countries.
Hence the need to find another aggregator to use for the rest of the world at least. This has proven difficult with some not wanting to deal with a company that at least does not have a U.S. presence if not U.S. based. After that it is a matter of doing the programming to make it happen.
It does appear that an aggregator has been found that TIK (Moneydance) can deal with however it is now a matter of fitting this into the development schedule around other tasks, the major one being the redevelopment to provide more capability of Mobile platforms and especially tablets.
2 Posted by Khalid Sattar on 21 Jul, 2024 07:16 PM
Never saw a reply to to this email. Please let me know so I can decide if
I go for an upgrade or to moneydance+
3 Posted by dtd on 21 Jul, 2024 08:34 PM
There was a reply, but maybe you missed it.
Go to this link to see the entire thread.
4 Posted by Khalid Sattar on 21 Jul, 2024 10:27 PM
Hi, and thanks for the quick reply. Indeed I missed that reply. I will
proceed with a standard upgrade. I have noticed my current version seems
to loose reconciled items sometimes (I dont know what condition). So
the 1st step is to upgrade to the latest version and if I still see
the issue then will report it as a bug.