cannot connect Moneydance+ to either Schwab nor American Express
Repeatedly hitting errors, spanning days/weeks.
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1 Posted by dtd on 09 Jul, 2024 05:55 PM
Are these existing connections that used to work, or creating a new connection?
If new, that's currently broken for everyone since late June.
If existing, what are the errors you are hitting?
2 Posted by jasonkwerner on 09 Jul, 2024 06:04 PM
New cxn for Schwab. Existing cxn for Amex.
3 Posted by jasonkwerner on 09 Jul, 2024 06:11 PM
I'm just getting "Something went wrong internal error" for both institutions on Plaid.
4 Posted by dtd on 09 Jul, 2024 06:59 PM
That sounds like the error everyone is getting for new account connections. Don't know why the existing Amex is throwing it.
One comment to throw out (assuming this is for an Amex credit card versus savings/checking) - OFX still works for Amex credit cards (I use it), and my personal preference is to always use OFX if it still works as it is much more real time than using an aggregator, and tends to work quite reliably.
Unfortunately, Schwab, USAA, and Chase have abandoned OFX in favor of "security" - yeah right, give your data to an aggregator versus you. Feh.
And yes, you can mix and match OFX and MD+ , they are not exclusive to each other.
Just a thought.
But yes, sounds like you are having the problem everyone else is having at this time.
5 Posted by jasonkwerner on 09 Jul, 2024 07:22 PM
Well that's neato. Is there a master thread? Is it a Plaid problem or a Moneydance problem?
OFX, I was able to switch one of my Amex accounts. But another one is still trying to use MD+. They are both credit cards.
6 Posted by dtd on 09 Jul, 2024 07:38 PM
There isn't really a master thread, just a LOT of separate threads. There SHOULD be a master thread, but that should come from MD/IK with promises of updates, but it has fallen to users like me and some others to respond to most of them, with Maddy (IK support) occasionally saying "there's a problem".
It's a Plaid issue - they cut off Moneydance with an "exceeded a limit" issue (which drew a what are you talking about response from MD) ... started around late June, and no resolution from Plaid yet.
For the one still connected to MD+, try to disconnect, and if that doesn't work, Toolbox should be able to blow the recalcitrant accounts connection away.
7 Posted by jasonkwerner on 09 Jul, 2024 09:09 PM
Plaid, very interesting. Sounds like they want more $$$.
Toolbox to the rescue, once again. Cleaned up my Amex cards' connections; both doing just fine with OFX instead of MD+. Thank you for the tip!
8 Posted by dtd on 09 Jul, 2024 10:30 PM
Wish I could give you a tip for Schwab. You are welcome.
Toolbox +1
9 Posted by jasonkwerner on 11 Jul, 2024 04:33 PM
Last question. What is the appropriate process to pile onto Moneydance another "me too" vote for this issue? (And same goes for the still-ongoing terrible iCloud sync performance.)
10 Posted by dtd on 11 Jul, 2024 08:48 PM
It appears the new connection issue with Plaid has been resolved... (I only know this by looking at other threads this morning)
As for iCloud sync performance, you could start another thread, but basically, it's in Apple's camp to "fix", just like Plaid had to fix the first issue. But no one really expects Apple to care. [MD would basically have to rewrite the entire sync engine in a totally different methodology, and they simply can't do that. They've made small adjustments already, but Apple changed the entire structure of how iCloud works]
11 Posted by dtd on 11 Jul, 2024 08:49 PM
The solution, really, though many don't like it - is use Dropbox, it's fast, reliable, free, and works extremely well.
12 Posted by jasonkwerner on 11 Jul, 2024 10:47 PM
Can confirm. Connected to Schwab perfectly fine.
So, the iCloud thing irks me. Is there any other app that choked on iCloud, a networked filesystem, like MD has?
Seems like if the sync engine architecture is so fragile, it's a bad architecture. Just write files to and read files from a folder, regardless of its mount. *shrug*
Rant rant rant. Get off my lawn!
13 Posted by dtd on 11 Jul, 2024 11:58 PM
No, you may not understand the iCloud issue fully.
The sync engine architecture is not fragile, it's quite robust. But how it works is that it sends hundreds/thousands of tiny files that represent each change you make - to then change it on the other computer/devices as well. Back and forth.
So, yes - it is "just write files and read files from a folder", as you say.
But apple changed the icloud structure to not deal with "lots of tiny files" in any efficient manner at all. That's what is problematic. I could direct you to the white papers on what Apple did with iCloud...
So, not many apps choked on the iCloud changes, because they only transfer a few files, or large files, and very few use it as a "transfer many tiny files bit". Apple changed that to make such work horribly slow.