Anyone else able to sync SYF My Lowes Reward account?
I've been running the Moneydance+ Plaid system since it became available and in general it's been a really good development for the MD community. I recently got a Synchrony Financial "My Lowes Rewards" card for the Lowes home improvement score and it's the first account I've had where it just doesn't work with MD+ at all.
"Lowes Consumer Credit Card" shows up as one of the options in Plaid. I can sync it, the card shows up with the last 4 digits. It just never downloads a single transaction. SYF is notoriously the worst online bank I've ever used and I know it can take awhile for transactions to post but after 2+ weeks I'm still not getting a single one. I tried re-linking the account and it even shows my balance in the Plaid interface so I know it's talking to a service with transactions posted against it but still nothing downloads at all.
Anybody have any ideas or other experiences?
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1 Posted by dtd on 11 Aug, 2024 10:18 PM
Store cards are VERY problematic. I have many credit cards, but Kohl's (included in Plaid's list) does not work at all. I sort of have an obsession with making every card work (somehow), whether OFX, MD+, or manual.
Home Depot and Kohl's are an issue - I got Home Depot to work by "cheating" but I think Plaid finally fixed it, as I stopped having to use my cheat.
So, I'm not surprised at Lowes. Your one "hope" is that it is in the list, you do connect, and you do get information. My one suggestion is you go into the card and Reset the Sync Date, and connect as if you are doing so for the first time. (Do not disconnect, just reset the sync date, and then enter the earliest date. Then it is about "all time" and see if you get any downloads.
2 Posted by david_nedved on 12 Aug, 2024 05:46 PM
Wow, that was a good tip. Resetting the sync date did what multiple rounds of disconnect / reconnect couldn’t do and it downloaded my transactions. Will be good to see if it continues to work and picks up new spending. Thanks for the suggestion!
Maddy closed this discussion on 15 Aug, 2024 03:16 PM.