
Hermann Topolsek's Avatar

Hermann Topolsek

05 Sep, 2024 01:56 PM

Scotia Bank has stopped downloading with Quicken and now provides only Excel or CSV download options. How does one download CSV files to Moneydance.?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 05 Sep, 2024 02:09 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Hermann,
    Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.

    Generally we recommend using the OFX, QFX or the QIF file format, if they available from your bank's website.

    Although CSV files can be imported, unfortunately the import process is a little more involved. CSV files were not designed to transfer data to personal finance programs, so there is no standard format or layout for these files.

    If CSV is the only format available, you'll be able to import the file to Moneydance using File --> Import. During the import process, you'll assign the columns in your CSV file to fields within the Moneydance account register.

    Side note: Moneydance does not support importing CSV files into Investment accounts.

    If there is enough data and it meets the requirements like compatible action names, which is a rarity for CSV files, then you can use a converter, often a plug in for a spreadsheet program to convert the file into a QIF file which can be imported.

    Finally, when you are setting up the CSV import you should follow the steps displayed here. Using the Moneydance default CSV tool should help as well.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by Hermann Topolse... on 05 Sep, 2024 07:58 PM

    Hermann Topolsek's Avatar

    Thank you for your help I have now downloaded using csv which is the only
    option. It does not give you the Charge column only the Payment as the
    balance. So I have to slip some amounts into the charge column.
    Your accounting software is Great.

  3. 3 Posted by dwg on 05 Sep, 2024 09:39 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    For regular importing of CSV files you can also look at the user written CSV importer.

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