Import Chase credit card transactions

afeldra's Avatar


29 Nov, 2015 10:12 PM

Although other credit card banks will unfortunately Chase Visa will not recognize you for online banking. Therefore I have to export from their website and import into Moneydance. I don't like to wait until the end of the monthly cycle to do the export/import because there are so many transactions. However they don't provide a date range option so I have to do "Since Last Statement". I therefore get many duplicates. Is there a better Moneydance alternative to deleting those that are duplicates?

Can you in the meantime try to get Chase Bank to allow Moneydance's online banking option.



  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 29 Nov, 2015 11:40 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    What are the file format options available from the Chase website. If you download OFX or QFX files you should not get duplicates.

    Ben Spencer
    Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by afeldra on 30 Nov, 2015 08:33 PM

    afeldra's Avatar

    Thanks for the prompt reply, Ben. Unfortunately although Chase does give the option of a QFX file I still got duplicates in Moneydance when I downloaded the QFX file.

  3. 3 Posted by afeldra on 01 Dec, 2015 11:01 PM

    afeldra's Avatar

    Any further thoughts? And will you try to get Chase to allow online Moneydance data transfer?

  4. 4 Posted by Ben Spencer on 02 Dec, 2015 01:08 AM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    Have you always been downloading QFX files? If you had previously been downloading in QIF of CSV I would still expect duplicates for where the QFX file overlaps the older file.

    Ben Spencer
    Infinite Kind Support

  5. 5 Posted by on 04 Dec, 2015 01:07 AM's Avatar


    The CSV importer for Moneydance 2015 can be downloaded from:

    It automatically skips duplicates so you download and import say last months up to today and not worry about it. It handles this for imports that it does so just realize that if you start importing for Nov-20, you can get duplicates for Nov-19 and older, but Nov-20 and on imports will skip duplicates.

    It has an account field and a category field, and a lot of other stuff as well as saves your config for use again.

    instructions are here:

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