Chase error code 2000
Last month I was suddenly unable to download my transactions for my Chase credit card. I keep getting error code 2000. I can download the Chase transactions from another Chase card (my wife's) with not issues (different log-in information). I contacted Chase and they verified my account is "Quicken" enabled and I should be able to download. The error 2000 they said is a problem with the software (and they referred me to Quicken's site which has no answers).
First, how can I fix this? Second, if you have no answer, why is one working and not the other? I am selecting Chase from the setup list (not JP Morgan, which doesn't work).
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1 Posted by dwg on 11 Dec, 2015 09:19 PM
If you look at other recent posts you will see there are problems with Chase after they changed their system, these issues are still being worked on.
2 Posted by Tom Freeman on 12 Dec, 2015 12:39 AM
As a Chase user myself I know that all JP Morgan company clients were mailed a letter indicating they were changing their online banking protocols. This may be part of the problem, as cited in the thread linked by dwg, with trying to link multiple accounts at chase.
One thing to try is to disable the connection for the account that does not work and then reestablish it. This will rule out a simple need to reset the connection.
You can do this by going to online > set-up online banking. Click the disable button. Then go to banking > set up online banking to re-establish the connection.
Tom Freeman
Infinite Kind Support
3 Posted by monty on 12 Dec, 2015 05:10 AM
After an hour on the phone with Chase, they claim it is not at their end. I did everything, and I mean everything, including disabling and reseting the connection. It doesn’t work with the 2nd Chase account no matter what I try.
According to Chase, they don’t even show the software issuing a query to their system.
4 Posted by Tom Freeman on 16 Dec, 2015 04:28 AM
There is an issue with multiple account links to chase, as shown in the thread linked by dwg. We are working on a solution. This thread has been put in a special que for that issue. We will let you know when we have a solution.
In the meantime you can download a qfx file from chase and import it into your credit card account.
Tom Freeman
Infinite Kind Support
5 Posted by retail on 17 Dec, 2015 09:00 PM
Just another user having the same problem. Although monty had better luck than I did... I talked with three separate people at Chase hoping to get some *real* help, and they all said that Quicken is the only program they support and refused to help me any further. Thanks for nothing Chase.
6 Posted by monty on 17 Dec, 2015 09:21 PM
I had to pretend I was using Quicken. I know they ignore all other programs, but MD (and others) behave the same way when interfacing with financial institutions. I bet even Quicken would be having this problem with Chase.
So if you talk to Chase, just tell them you are using Quicken. You’ll have to quickly adapt when they tell you about setting up the interface, and do the MD steps instead. But essentially they don’t have a clue what software you are using.
Support Staff 7 Posted by Jenny on 18 Dec, 2015 02:08 PM
Hi All,
I am happy to let you know, we believe the issues with Chase have now been resolved in the latest preview build of Moneydance, which you can download here -
Please first download/login using the username/account that has been working. Then try to download/connect using the other username/account, which should now connect successfully.
Please let us know if you encounter any issues during this process.
Infinite Kind Support
8 Posted by ralph.preston on 19 Dec, 2015 04:28 PM
After downloading the preview, which didn't fix the problem, I can no longer run the original version of Moneydance. I have time capsule backups of everything, where does Moneydance keep my user data files?
9 Posted by -Kevin N. on 19 Dec, 2015 07:57 PM
Hi Jack,
Take a look at the following KB article:
HTH -Kevin N.
Support Staff 10 Posted by Jenny on 21 Dec, 2015 10:10 AM
If the preview build did not resolve the issues, can you confirm your build by going to Help --> about MD. Make sure you are on build 1326.
Also log in to the website, go to consumer center, scroll down to the tools center and confirm that activate quicken, quick books, etc is toggled on.
Then try to disable and reestablish the connection in Moneydance. To do so, you can follow these steps:
1) Select your bank account in Moneydance
2) Select the Online->Setup Online Banking button/menu
3) Click the Disable button. If you don't see a disable button, continue to step 5.
4) Select the Online->Setup Online Banking button/menu (again)
5) Click the New Connection button and select your bank from the list of available institutions that pops up. Hit OK
6) Continue with the setup process, entering your username/password
7) Repeat steps 1-6 for any additional accounts
Make sure you pick new connection, even though your bank is still one of the connection choices after you disable it. Choosing your bank from the list of available banks will force Moneydance to download the updated information, which should then allow you to connect.
Please let me know if you continue to have connection problems after recreating your connection.
Infinite Kind Support
11 Posted by mondan on 21 Dec, 2015 03:22 PM
My system Ubuntu 1404, MoneyDance build 1326.
Still getting the error 2000 when I try to do the online setup following your steps 1-6, can't do 7 because I get the error 2000 after step 6. Yes, I went to the chase site an enabled Quicken/Quickbooks. All of my accounts were disabled because of previous troubleshooting.
Wife's account still works without problem.
12 Posted by Ian L on 21 Dec, 2015 03:27 PM
Hi mondan,
Could you send me the contents of your Moneydance console? Here's how to get the logs:
Then, email the file to me at ian @ DO NOT attach it as a response to this message, as it will have private banking information and this is a public forum. To be extra safe, you should remove any account info from the debug logs. Just replace it with something like "ACCOUNT NUMBER HERE".
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 21 Mar, 2016 03:30 PM.