
tetrault's Avatar


19 Dec, 2015 02:17 AM

Last week, the bar (with no name) under my checking account register said "1 Unconfirmed Transaction" after I connected with my bank and downloaded ZERO transactions. (There were no unconfirmed transactions before I connected with the bank.) When I clicked on the Unconfirmed filter button, the register was empty. Today, I also downloaded ZERO transactions. Moneydance now says I have 5 unconfirmed transactions. There are none. How do I fix this problem? And please don't tell me it's a filter problem. I rarely use filters, none are active, and the All button is on.

Moneydance 2012.5 (862)

  1. 1 Posted by tetrault on 19 Dec, 2015 02:24 AM

    tetrault's Avatar

    I just checked my online statement at PNC Bank. There were transactions, but they weren't being downloaded. Apparently, Moneydance was noting the transactions despite the fact that the transaction information was not being added to the register. I'm having no difficulties with my three downloadable transaction accounts at Scottrade. Is this a Moneydance problem or a PNC Bank problem?

  2. 2 Posted by tetrault on 19 Dec, 2015 02:32 AM

    tetrault's Avatar

    It just gets weirder. One of the missing transactions was an autopay credit card bill. This transaction has a "Show Other Side" option. When I activated that, I was in my bank register with the right-hand side bar for confirming transactions. The credit card payment transaction now appeared in my bank register. When I confirmed it, the other bank register transactions appeared one at a time. The unconfirmed transaction count now is zero. I'm still concerned about how this happened. It must be a Moneydance problem, because PNC Bank had sent all the information.

  3. 3 Posted by Ben Spencer on 19 Dec, 2015 02:46 AM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    I think you might have the register in divided mode. There is a toggle button to the right of the "New Transaction" button. Try clicking that to toggle divided mode on and off.

    Ben Spencer
    Infinite Kind Support

  4. 4 Posted by tetrault on 19 Dec, 2015 12:14 PM

    tetrault's Avatar

    The affected register was in divided mode, but why would that prevent
    downloaded transactions from appearing in the register?


    From: Ben Spencer <[email blocked]>
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  5. 5 Posted by Ben Spencer on 19 Dec, 2015 02:49 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    In divided mode the register is split into two parts. The top part sown confirmed transactions, the bottom part show unconfirmed transactions. There is a grey bar between the two. I expect in your case you had dragged the grey bar down to the bottom making the bottom part tiny.

    Ben Spencer
    Infinite Kind Support

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