I want my money back
i would like a refund.
I bought this specifically to use online. i have tried several times to sync with my bank of America account but its not supported.
I called BofA and they said they do not link with MoneyDance and the don't see this happening anytime in the future.
Please refund my Credit Card.
Thank you.
Eric Biesterveld
- Invoice.pdf 184 KB
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1 Posted by David Hanley on 28 Dec, 2015 05:35 PM
Hi Eric,
I would be happy to authorize a refund and I am inclined to offer you technical assistance first. This is not an attempt to get out of giving you a refund, if that is what you want let me know and I will authorize it. However if there is something specific that I might be able to assist you with, I am at your service.
Bank of America has recently discontinued their support for new direct connect activations. However, if your account was activated for direct connect before they turned off support, you should still be able to connect in Moneydance. We're not sure how long this will continue to work, but you can try connecting with these settings:
Institution ORG: HAN
Institution ID: 5959
OFX Server URL: https://eftx.bankofamerica.com/eftxweb/access.ofx
You can enter these by going the Online->"Setup Online Banking" menu item and then clicking on the Advanced Setting button. Again, this will only work if your account has already been activated for direct connections.
If you haven't enabled OFX services with Bank of America previously, the best way to get your transactions into Moneydance will be to use a web browser to download them from your bank's web site. You can download into QFX, QIF, OFX or OFC files (sometimes referred to as Quicken or MS Money files), any of which will import cleanly into Moneydance. You can also open your bank's download page directly (after entering the appropriate address in the Account->Edit Account menu) by going to the menu bar and selecting Online->Open Account Website.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance, and thank you for your interest in Moneydance.
David Hanley
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by Eric Biestervel... on 28 Dec, 2015 06:01 PM
A refund please.
I wanted a simple system, downloading files from my accounts everyday won't work for me.
Thank you.
Sent from Outlook Mobile<https://aka.ms/qtex0l>
3 Posted by David Hanley on 28 Dec, 2015 06:20 PM
I am sorry that our product did not meet your needs. I have asked our payment processing partners BMT Micro to process your refund. They will let you know when the process is complete from their end.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance, and thank you for your interest in Moneydance.
David Hanley
Infinite Kind Support
David Hanley closed this discussion on 28 Dec, 2015 06:20 PM.