USAA Script to fix the broken download issue

Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)

24 Feb, 2021 06:40 AM

Need to reconnect to USAA? I have written a (run one-time only) script to make USAA download to Moneydance work again. All it does it fix your connection profile. You simply run once, and then use standard Moneydance. It's not needed again.

This is now the IK recommended fix as they are working on 'medium and long-term' improvements to ofx connections

You must be on MD version 2019.4 (build 1904) or newer (if older, you must upgrade, else usaa will never work again).

[@@ UPDATE Oct 2021: This script is now built into the Toolbox extension (MD2021 onwards) under the Online Banking menu and it also works with MD2022 too. Further, we have worked with Moneydance so that once you have ‘primed’ MD with your USAA specific ClientUID number(s), the standard Moneydance Online Setup will work. Further again, there is now an even simpler way to get the connection working (which we haven’t documented: In Toolbox run the USAA ‘Prime’ option and then just use standard MD Online Setup. Lastly, if you need to get multiple UserIDs working, then Toolbox / Online Banking / OFX Authentication / Edit Multiple UserIds. NOTE: if you still just want the script, it’s still available, read on…. @@]

Following these simple, but complete, PDF instructions will make USAA download to your Moneydance file.

My python script creates a new USAA profile in Moneydance to replace the broken USAA profile. It has been used since Feb 23 by more than 100+ users successfully 😃

This script will allow you to download USAA transactions again. It isn't rocket science, really. You don't have to wait for IK/MD to fix the problem, nor will it stop you from embracing the Moneydance fix if/when it happens. I just fix the connection profile.

NOTE: usaa have changed their download data (content, format). If you get some data duplication afterwards, this is NOTHING to do with the script, it's what usaa are now sending. You simply need to do a one-time cleanup, keep the new data, and that's it.

DISCLAIMER: I have no affiliation with Moneydance. It's entirely possible that this won't work for you. Pretty much the worst that can happen is that your bank logon / service profile won't work - but then it's not working anyway.. You can always just delete the profile and start again, if you wish.


The first thing to do is read the walk through PDF guide: ofx_create_new_usaa_bank_custom_profile.pdf

The latest PDF guide (now version 8a) is always here:

The latest zip file containing the script to fix USAA/Moneydance is at: []

FYI - When you click these links, you may see a blank screen (depending on your browser) and the file(s) will auto download to your downloads folder

You need to unzip this file. The script is called:

Quick Details:

  • Make a backup first.
  • Read the instructions.
  • Once you run the script, Moneydance takes over with the new profile.

PS - If you get issues ensure a) you are connecting from a USA IP; and that any PiHole, Blockers etc are not getting in the way..

If you have problems, post - We love to solve problems.

CREDITS and thanks: @dtd and @hleofxquotes

I am not support, just a fellow user and creator of the very free and most-excellent Toolbox 🧰 extension for Moneydance.
The latest package and Toolbox are on my site: []

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  1. 61 Posted by dtd on 02 Mar, 2021 10:45 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    I'd like to ask those who got everything working as to what in my documentation of how to use the scripts was inadequate? I tried to cover all the "trickiness" by providing a methodology to follow a step-by-step process that would make it simpler.

    I just wrote a version 4, but obviously I've missed something in the documentation about these scripts. I've also asked Stuart to provide pop-ups in the scripts to describe the situation when the scripts error out.

    I would appreciate hearing what was tricky to fix that wasn't documented .

    I think people can read the current version (6c) here if they are willing to help me make this document better. Thanks.
    Current version below

  2. 62 Posted by dtd on 02 Mar, 2021 10:59 PM

    dtd's Avatar


  3. 63 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 02 Mar, 2021 11:44 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    I've uploaded the updated PDF to my site....

  4. 64 Posted by DudleySirius on 02 Mar, 2021 11:55 PM

    DudleySirius's Avatar

    Is this where I say, "Oh wow, you guys rock!"?

    It is a bit laborious, but it wasn't difficult, just tedious. I had a good, working profile with USAA running MD 2021 build 2006 on Win 10x64. I ran the Fix script on a TESTUSAA file with no issue except the changed CC number. The only oddity was when I clicked "proceed" it gave me a popup asking me to select a bank, with USAA FSB as the only option. I clicked "ok", and everything else was exactly as the pdf described, including changing the CC number (even though my perfectly functional card has the old number on it and was delivered only a couple of weeks ago.) I made note of the new number, but don't know what I might need it for.
    I then reran on my live data and it worked fine again. Thanks!

  5. 65 Posted by Dudley Sirius on 03 Mar, 2021 12:01 AM

    Dudley Sirius's Avatar

    Also, after I restarted and downloaded my data I got an email from USAA:

    Quicken Now Connected to USAA Account

     Quicken has been connected to your USAA account. To manage what apps are connected to your account, view your USAA Profile.
    |View USAA Profile |
    Thank you,

  6. 66 Posted by dtd on 03 Mar, 2021 04:29 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    @Dudley - two great observations - I'll work on including at least a sentence about both of those items in version 5 of the pdf - it is so easy to assume after testing for a while.

    And tedious - I agree with that - one reason I say to create a text file with all the numbers - I don't even want to say how many times I copy/pasted those things over and over during testing. super tedious.

    and when moneydance fixes this, you'll probably do it one more time (unless this fix stays sufficient), but at least the data gathering and account matching will already be done (and that's where you might use that weird cc number one more time...)

    Actually, we hope (given your version number) that you now have the fix and won't have to upgrade unless you desire to do so!

  7. 67 Posted by vievelyn on 03 Mar, 2021 06:47 AM

    vievelyn's Avatar


    Thank you for the documentation! I found it to be very clear and extremely helpful (I, in fact, did not know how to run a script.)

    When I first ran the "fix" script, I had more than one CC set up for online banking with USAA. I did not realize that I needed to specifically disable online banking for the extra ones for the script to run successfully. It never got to the point of asking for all the numbers I had collected. It took me a little while to figure out why.

  8. 68 Posted by dtd on 03 Mar, 2021 06:54 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Thanks, that also helps. We want the documentation to be "dirt simple", so anything that confused you is important.

    I am working with Stuart on the more than one CC issue, as he does put a message within the moneybot console saying "you have more than one CC, so, sorry.", but I'm asking him to put in popup boxes for these type of messages as most people won't look into that long set of messages in the moneybot console (I did, as I got used to looking, but most will just say "huh, it ended?")

    In fact, I think the place you got to HAS a message (not disable, but use the create script, but yes what you did also works - good job!), but again - unless you read the moneybot console, you just wonder why it ended.

    working on the dirt simple part - THANK YOU!

  9. 69 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 03 Mar, 2021 07:04 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    @DudleySirius  +1

  10. 70 Posted by dwk on 03 Mar, 2021 10:35 PM

    dwk's Avatar

    What is the status of a MD fix by IK? Are the dtd messages about MD from IK ?

  11. 71 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 03 Mar, 2021 10:38 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    @dwk nothing we’ve done is from IK; it’s our own work and findings. We have no information about any fix coming from IK.

  12. 72 Posted by dwk on 03 Mar, 2021 11:01 PM

    dwk's Avatar

    Thanks for the info and work on the solution - to you, to dtd, and others. It is puzzling, disconcerting, disappointing, etc. that IK is not communicating on this.

    Does anyone know why? Or when?

    When I hit the 'reply email' key on your message just recently sent to me, my draft shows that the reply is going to '[email blocked]'. Why is that?


  13. 73 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 03 Mar, 2021 11:05 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    When you reply to an online post by email, the response goes back to the IK HELPDESK system which enables it to post your reply back into the forum.

  14. 74 Posted by dtd on 03 Mar, 2021 11:21 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    @dwk, I'm just a user, not associated with IK.

    I've been writing a walk through documenting Stuart's scripts which fix the USAA download problem, but it is a user solution, not from IK itself.

  15. 75 Posted by dwk on 03 Mar, 2021 11:28 PM

    dwk's Avatar

    dtd -

    I very much look forward to your walk through of Stuart's scripts. I have chosen to use that USAA-MD solution after the process provided by you all is complete. Then I'll have to catch up with my multiple accounts!

    Do you have any idea why IK is not active on this matter?

    Thank you,

  16. 76 Posted by dwg on 03 Mar, 2021 11:50 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    None of us can speak as to what TIK is doing.

    History of previous issues suggests they are looking at it but their communication with customers is absolute crap and has become worse.

    I do not expect the developer to be responding on the forums that is a total waste of their time, which is better spent solving problems, but I do expect the support people to provide regular updates, if they are not doing that they are not doing their job in my view.

  17. 77 Posted by dtd on 04 Mar, 2021 02:56 AM

    dtd's Avatar


    That's about all I have to say as to your question.

    As to "ready to go" with Stuart's solution, it has been changing day to day, but I think we are extremely close - I sent Version 5 of the documentation to Stuart today, and he put all the popups into the script so users won't be confused when something just ends (and don't look at the console) - and we've had many people do this successfully, and taken their feedback on what was confusing.

    The one bit you will encounter - multiple accounts can be confusing, especially since USAA changed a lot of the base account numbers - but hey - that's in the documentation as well.

  18. 78 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 04 Mar, 2021 07:45 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    An update for everyone.

    The scripts are working well, many users now have USAA working ok.

    The documentation is updated.

    Once you run these scripts and fix your banking connection profile, then the standard Moneydance online banking screens function as normal if you want to make later changes (eg adding a new account). You should not need the scripts again.

    The scripts can be run many times, this will not cause any problems (I run them just for fun ;-> )

    Words of wisdom:
    - this is NOT difficult, but there are a few steps to follow. Some of these (eg getting your new credentials) you will have to do anyway when IK release a fix. So you might as well tackle it now. - download the latest useful_scripts package from my site:

    • do a backup first
    • read the documentation / PDF (yup, the whole thing)
    • follow the steps slowly and carefully
    • if you have multiple accounts, please be very sure you link the right MD accounts to the right bank account numbers (just as you would normally have to do).
    • save the notes/file you will create with your credentials. You might need this again.
    • if you get stuck, shout, we like to help!

    If you use these scripts, please post an update here 

    (From Stuart (code author and Toolbox ‘guy’) and @dtd (tester and documentation ‘guy’) - we are not support, nor from IK, we are just fellow users)

    Credits: hleofxquotes

  19. Support Staff 79 Posted by Sean Reilly on 04 Mar, 2021 09:18 AM

    Sean Reilly's Avatar

    Hi All,

    Just chiming in with an official TIK response. I have been following this thread and am actively working on a longer term, integrated solution to this to have built-in to moneydance. In the meantime I'm very grateful to Stuart and hleofxquotes for their work on getting it working.


  20. 80 Posted by Mark J on 04 Mar, 2021 11:25 AM

    Mark J's Avatar

    Sean, that is great news! Customer service is about delivery, but starts with communication. Can you give a forecast date for this integrated solution? Can you have one of your support reps post weekly updates on progress?
    Thanks in advance,

  21. Support Staff 81 Posted by Sean Reilly on 04 Mar, 2021 11:37 AM

    Sean Reilly's Avatar

    Hi Mark,

    Unfortunately I can't provide an ETA as we've got several balls in the air at the moment, and even if we didn't I'm admittedly awful at accurate estimates. This is a top priority however, so we'll try and post updates when there are relevant ones.

    If it helps, TIK is now officially becoming a member of the Financial Data Exchange ( industry group which we expect will be a much-longer-term solution for USAA connections specifically as they are also a member.


  22. 82 Posted by dtd on 05 Mar, 2021 12:00 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    @Sean Reilly - thanks for the "grateful" comment to both Stuart and hleofxquotes. I've worked with both on testing/documentation and am impressed by their professionalism and efforts. Both tools work well, and fix the USAA/Moneydance problem (in different ways).

    I hope both are a good way for users to continue getting OFX data in Moneydance for USAA while you work both on an interim solution as well as on a longer term, more permanent solution.

  23. 83 Posted by layer on 05 Mar, 2021 02:39 AM

    layer's Avatar

    Didn't work for me. I used version 5 from github. When I did the Run on the script (for existing) I got the dialog attached. I'll reply with the error...

  24. 84 Posted by layer on 05 Mar, 2021 02:39 AM

    layer's Avatar

    Here's the error after I clicked OK on the last one

  25. 85 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 Mar, 2021 06:38 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    @layer this means you didn’t have a working usaa profile before usaa broke it, or you’ve changed your accounts/profile in some way since. Did you get a chance to read the PDF?

    Anyway, the solution is easy. Run the create new script (instead of the fix existing script). Let us know how you get on.

  26. 86 Posted by TJ on 05 Mar, 2021 01:38 PM

    TJ's Avatar

    hmmm not sure what happened but as of this morning I am getting an error now.

    A communication or parsing error occurred. This could be the result of a network problem, a proxy error, or misconfigured server.
    Error Description:

  27. 87 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 Mar, 2021 01:58 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    @tj. Do you have a proxy configured, or anything like that? We need others to check today to see if usaa have changed something or whether they are blocking certain IPs. Anyone else?

  28. 88 Posted by hbr245b on 05 Mar, 2021 02:14 PM

    hbr245b's Avatar

    I'm getting the same error.

    As a test, a DNS lookup on returns no results.

  29. Support Staff 89 Posted by Sean Reilly on 05 Mar, 2021 02:16 PM

    Sean Reilly's Avatar

    It works for me:

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=0.692 ms

    Sean Reilly
    Developer, The Infinite Kind

  30. 90 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 Mar, 2021 02:25 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Ping also works for me and if I try to connect (but I have no credentials), their server responds too...

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