Transactions not Downloading from Charles Schwab

Jeffrey Morrison's Avatar

Jeffrey Morrison

11 Oct, 2021 12:24 AM

Transactions from Charles Schwab not downloading at all. VPN is off when attempting to download. Please advise. Thanks!

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  1. Support Staff 91 Posted by Maddy on 15 Mar, 2022 12:27 PM

    Maddy's Avatar


    The latest preview version Moneydance 2022.3 (4068) is now available to download from this page.

    Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. 92 Posted by Alex Koss on 15 Mar, 2022 12:55 PM

    Alex Koss's Avatar

    Works great, thanks for the update. Worth waiting for.

  3. 93 Posted by Roger Rice on 15 Mar, 2022 12:57 PM

    Roger Rice's Avatar

    Yes it works like before.

    Thank you!

    It still can't merge investments but maybe someday?

  4. Support Staff 94 Posted by Maddy on 15 Mar, 2022 12:59 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Thank you letting us know, Alex!

    We really appreciate your feedback.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  5. 95 Posted by David Greene on 15 Mar, 2022 02:46 PM

    David Greene's Avatar

      Is it downloading schwab investment transactions to avoid manual entry using Plaid?

  6. 96 Posted by David Greene on 15 Mar, 2022 03:14 PM

    David Greene's Avatar

      This is looking promising.  I resubscribed to Plaid and downloaded to all accounts.  Over 3 months of cleanup to do but I have time.  Will run parallel with Quicken until I clean it up.  Do you have a shortcut for changing category.  All dividends defaulting to 'misc other' instead of 'dividend income'.  Need some magic!!  :blush:

  7. 97 Posted by David Greene on 15 Mar, 2022 10:57 PM

    David Greene's Avatar

      Ignore my question.  I have downloaded an extension called 'Find and Replace' so I can fix most of my issues.  I changed my investment account category to 'dividend income', just wish I could change it by 'Action'.  But, since the world is following modern monetary theory, interest on the way out anyway, so probably not an issue as we all look for equity.
       At any rate, thanks for all the work performed on this release.  It will take me awhile, but once I clean it up, 'back to moneydance' for me....

    On 3/15/2022 10:14:00 AM, David Greene <[email blocked]> wrote:
      This is looking promising.  I resubscribed to Plaid and downloaded to all accounts.  Over 3 months of cleanup to do but I have time.  Will run parallel with Quicken until I clean it up.  Do you have a shortcut for changing category.  All dividends defaulting to 'misc other' instead of 'dividend income'.  Need some magic!!  :blush:

  8. 98 Posted by jr on 16 Mar, 2022 05:38 PM

    jr 's Avatar

    help...probably user error but i subscribed to plaid connected schwab (investments) and i still get nothing although i probably did 300+ trades since october

    in the setup moneydance+ is shows schwab connected along with the individual accounts (4)

  9. Support Staff 99 Posted by Maddy on 16 Mar, 2022 05:46 PM

    Maddy's Avatar


    Did you download and install Moneydance 2022.3 (4068)?
    This build is required in order to be able do download investment accounts.

    Then, in the Set Up Moneydance+ window, you'll need to click on the "None" label in order to select which account in Moneydance corresponds to the account names and numbers on the left side of the window. After doing that and selecting the Moneydance account from the menu, using the ⌘D keyboard shortcut or clicking the Download button when the account is selected will cause Moneydance to download the transactions for that account.

    Please keep us posted on your progress, Thank you!

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  10. 100 Posted by jpbears1 on 16 Mar, 2022 05:57 PM

    jpbears1's Avatar

    not sure if this helps jr - but I had similar issue last night as the accounts I was downloading were already setup via Online Banking and working prior to October.

    Once I got MoneyDance+ all setup AND then I had to go to Setup Online banking and disabled that account (I am assuming this disabled the "old" way of downloading). Then it downloaded fine.

  11. 101 Posted by joel rosenthal on 16 Mar, 2022 06:16 PM

    joel rosenthal's Avatar

    Thank you!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

  12. 102 Posted by David Greene on 17 Mar, 2022 07:23 PM

    David Greene's Avatar

      In resetting my accounts and adding others for Plaid I notice that in order to download credit card activity via Plaid, the account must be classified as a 'Liability'.  This is an issue for me as I use my credit cards similar to a checking account, thus I have them setup as 'Asset' ( a contra asset).  Is there an easy way to change account type, as I do not want to add 'new' credit card accounts and move transactions.  On most of these, I could do it the old fashioned OFX way, but Amex and Bank of America would not allow that.   Any ideas appreciated.

  13. 103 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 17 Mar, 2022 08:38 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Toolbox extension has a force change account type feature.

  14. 104 Posted by David Greene on 17 Mar, 2022 10:54 PM

    David Greene's Avatar

    That worked BEAUTIFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you.  Only did my Bank of America as I could tell they weren't accepting OFX signups.  That was so painless.  The warning helped me realize that credit card made more sense than liability.  Thank you!!

  15. 105 Posted by davet65 on 18 Mar, 2022 01:11 AM

    davet65's Avatar

    So David Greene, just to clarify.
    Instead of changing your credit card account type from Asset to Liability, you changed it/them to Credit Card?
    I hope so, because mine are already Credit Card accounts, and I have been waiting patiently for this to settle down and be correct and easy. Schwab is my prime concern, but I also have BofA cards which I have been downloading by .qfx files manually downloaded from BofA website. Not hard, but OFX will be easier.
    Did you have to make a setting on the BofA website to allow 3rd party downloads?

  16. 106 Posted by David Greene on 18 Mar, 2022 01:40 AM

    David Greene's Avatar

    Yes. I changed to credit card. Seems to work perfectly. But as they say,
    backup before you do it, then review afterwards. I gotta say, I am
    impressed at the tools available with Moneydance!

  17. 107 Posted by dtd on 18 Mar, 2022 02:12 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    davet65 - I bit the bullet and downloaded six months of data from Schwab yesterday.

    Took about 2-3 hours to clean up (duplicate transactions and four items that are now reported as "still not right".) The good news is the four items, once you know them, are just boring mechanical fixes. [Still, it would be nice if the program handled them properly.]

    I was pleased to catch up (5 accounts) in only one evening.

    If curious, here's the thread about what is still wrong with investment accounts (at least Schwab).
    Hopefully, they will be fixed in the near future.

    @David - shout out to @Stuart Beesley, who wrote the Toolbox extension. That and Quote Loader I couldn't live without.

  18. 108 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 18 Mar, 2022 08:02 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Toolbox +1 :smiley:

  19. 109 Posted by David Greene on 18 Mar, 2022 10:27 PM

    David Greene's Avatar

       All going well.  Any tips on when to download schwab transactions, via Plaid.  It never downloads all transactions for the schwab date.  Should I wait until at least 10PM or so at night, before attempting to download via Plaid?

  20. 110 Posted by David Greene on 18 Mar, 2022 11:07 PM

    David Greene's Avatar

      I googled this, so answers my question.  Will see tomorrow, if all came thru.
       From googling:
    Typically, Plaid will check for transactions once every 6 hours, but may check less frequently (such as once every 24 hours) depending on factors such as the institution and account type.

    On 3/18/2022 5:27:42 PM, David Greene <[email blocked]> wrote:
       All going well.  Any tips on when to download schwab transactions, via Plaid.  It never downloads all transactions for the schwab date.  Should I wait until at least 10PM or so at night, before attempting to download via Plaid?

  21. System closed this discussion on 17 Jun, 2022 11:10 PM.

  22. Christian Skieller re-opened this discussion on 17 Jan, 2023 07:01 PM

  23. 111 Posted by Christian Skiel... on 17 Jan, 2023 07:01 PM

    Christian Skieller's Avatar

    Hi Maddy/Moneydance support
    Now, every time I open Moneydance it keeps telling me my accounts Schwab accounts need to be relinked, even though I have done that twice already, and the downloading seems to work fine.
    So why do I keep getting this notice to relink?



  24. 112 Posted by David L Greene on 17 Jan, 2023 07:06 PM

    David L Greene's Avatar

    Amazed your Schwab plaid working. Mine is dead. I relink and Schwab verifies but I get financial institution error. If yours worked maybe my issue is md for Mac? Maybe not a Schwab or plaid issue.

  25. 113 Posted by dtd on 17 Jan, 2023 09:34 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    just a user - My Schwab link is working fine (5 accounts, 3 investment, 2 bank)

    I do have to relink about once a month, but it isn't an onerous problem (although if you combine relinks with all my other institutions, I run into a relink about twice a week) - still it seems to work with all (except Kohls) and is just a nuisance overall.

    As to why Christian has to relink on every MD opening, and yours is dead, I don't currently have any thoughts as mine works. If mine didn't work, I'd be digging deeper and have more info, so sorry....

  26. 114 Posted by dtd on 17 Jan, 2023 09:38 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    just a user - if I had either of your problems, I'd probably delete the MD+/Plaid Schwab links (using Toolbox, they don't delete well in the program), insure that my Schwab accounts all have 3rd party access permissions granted, then reestablish the Schwab accounts in MD+/Plaid - and cross my fingers.

    No guarantees that that would fix anything - but that's the first thing I'd try.

  27. 115 Posted by dtd on 17 Jan, 2023 09:41 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    Oh, and I'd "make sure" I was using 2022.5(4091) version as each version fixed MD+ bugs and hopefully a new preview will fix even more soon.

  28. 116 Posted by dtd on 17 Jan, 2023 09:43 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    @David - I use MD 2022.5(4091) on a Mac as well.

  29. 117 Posted by David L Greene on 17 Jan, 2023 09:53 PM

    David L Greene's Avatar

    I switched to Mac early this year. How do I get toolbox back? I forgot. Had it my old windows machine.

  30. 118 Posted by David L Greene on 17 Jan, 2023 09:56 PM

    David L Greene's Avatar

    And a Md support tech actually accessed my Mac and could not fix it. Said issue was not plaid but up to Schwab to fix. Hence I been waiting for Schwab and posting plug entries so at least I could track cashflow. Sad.

  31. 119 Posted by David Greene on 17 Jan, 2023 10:12 PM

    David Greene's Avatar

      I have loaded toolbox and did a review of the MD+, now what do I do
    to disconnect that investment account using Toolbox?  Not a Techie here,
    just a 'Techie Wanna Be'

  32. 120 Posted by dtd on 17 Jan, 2023 10:13 PM

    dtd's Avatar


    Go to Manage Extensions, find Toolbox, and click install.
    Go ahead and try to use the MD program to remove Schwab, but don't be surprised if you end up with "No Name" - that's what Toolbox can get rid of.

    The issue may not be Schwab, or Plaid, or MD - but "simply" the way things work together (i.e. we've got a lot of fingers in the pie) - and what I stated as what I'd do first would be an attempt to "clear the plate" as it were, since it can and does work - just maybe your configuration got munged up somehow.

    The biggies are:
    Schwab: permission to access account(s) - this is essential.
    Plaid: accessing the correct area (it sounds simple, but there are often multiple items with very similar names)
    MD+: correctly set up so that info goes to the correct account

    At the moment, there are still some issues within MD that allow "munging up" an MD+ setup. And Stuart's toolbox helps fix some of the more egregious issues.

    Hope that helps.

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