Unable to download schwab acts with moneydance+

Elizabeth's Avatar


27 Mar, 2022 02:42 PM

I updated to Moneydance 2022.3 (4068), signed up for moneydance+ and setup moneydance+. My schwab transactions are not downloading. My accounts are listed in Moneydance+, their sync dates correctly show the last time I downloaded (before October and Schwab's change), When I try to download for an individual account I get prompted for my password, then I see the "finished writing sync data" at the bottom of the moneydance transaction window but no new transactions, and no errors.

Speaking to Schwab they said that they are no longer working with Plaid because Plaid did not want to conform to their security. They are only supporting Quicken and Mint.com. I understand other users are still able to download schwab data. Is my issue with my moneydance setup or that I am a new Plaid user?

any assistance is greatly appreciated

  1. 1 Posted by dtd on 27 Mar, 2022 08:29 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    just a user - did you disconnect the Schwab OFX downloads that were working before October 1? (Given the sync dates show Oct 1)

    OFX is always the default over MD+, so if you did not disconnect them, that's what MD is trying to use to download Schwab, and as we both know, that will not work anymore.

    I haven't had to go through this process, as I disabled OFX (for Schwab) before signing up for MD+, but I think you go to online banking, and should be given the option for either OFX or MD+, choose OFX, then click disable.
    (This could be wrong, so maybe someone else can jump in with specifics - you could try this on a copy of your data maybe if you want to "do it now".)

  2. 2 Posted by Elizabeth on 28 Mar, 2022 01:43 PM

    Elizabeth's Avatar

    Thank You! I had to go into Online>Setup Online Banking and 'Disable' for each account. Then I was able to download transactions. (there is a small bug where if you launch MoneyDance and try to download before 'Disable' the download doesn't work).

    So it looks like Plaid is working still for Schwab accounts with MoneyDance+

    Thank you again for your help, it's saved me a lot of tears.

  3. Maddy closed this discussion on 28 Mar, 2022 02:18 PM.

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