Moneydance+ only downloads transaction from one account and not the rest.
I have subscribed to Moneydance+ (and Plaid). I have a number of accounts at (9 to be exact) and 1 login. I have connected 4 of them to 4 separate accounts in Moneydance. When I tell Moneydance to download transactions, 3 of the account always say that there are no transactions. 2 of the accounts are very low traffic, so that is common. That leaves 2 accounts. These two accounts both have hundreds of transactions per month. One account says there are zero new transactions whenever I attempt to download. The other account will download the transactions within a day or so of the transaction date.
When in the "Set Up Moneydance+" panel, if I right click on the connected accounts, the account that works will tell me the latest sync date and an option to reset the sync date, in addition to options to change what account is linked to the MD account and an option to "Don't Download". The accounts that don't work have the link options and the "Don't Download" option, but no option to "Reset Sync Date" and it does not list the latest sync date.
How do I get the rest of accounts to sync as well as the one that works?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 28 Mar, 2022 02:17 PM
Hi Russell,
Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.
If your Fidelity accounts are investment accounts you should download and install Moneydance 2022.3 (4068) first. This version includes the feature that will allow you to connect to investment accounts using Moneydance + now.
You can find it on this page.
You might be required to disable your current connection on the Online Banking Setup screen first, in order to stop the OFX method (if you were using this previously) to take over Moneydance + and allow your transactions to download as expected . To remove the connection, open Moneydance, select your account, then choose Online > Set Up Online Banking and select the "Disable" button to remove the connection.
Then, in the Set Up Moneydance+ window, you'll need to click on the "None" label in order to select which account in Moneydance corresponds to the account names and numbers on the left side of the window. After doing that and selecting the Moneydance account from the menu, using the ⌘D keyboard shortcut or clicking the Download button when the account is selected will cause Moneydance to download the transactions for that account.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by russell.richter on 18 May, 2022 07:55 PM
that worked for me, thank you. and the more recent official release also works.
russell.richter closed this discussion on 18 May, 2022 07:55 PM.