using moneydance on a new computer

Ann and Kenneth Evans's Avatar

Ann and Kenneth Evans

02 Apr, 2022 09:45 AM

made a copy of moneydance on external hard drive to transfer it to new computer. all seemed well until today. i loaded information from bank into moneydance on new computer and it suddenly all just disappeared. not sure what to do.
should i remove moneydance from old computer which shows nothing anyway.
should i re-load copy from external hard drive onto new computer which will have details of up to a week ago. then i hope i will be able to reload today's details from bank again to check our accounts.

  1. 1 Posted by derekkent23 on 02 Apr, 2022 01:00 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Ann and Kenneth Evans

    If its just an account register that’s empty check the ALL filter is highlighted.

    If you start Moneydance and it open in the Welcome Window or in an empty Data Set there can be a number of reasons.

    When Moneydance opens in the Welcome window your Data Set should be listed on the right hand side of the Welcome window, double click on it. If not it has been moved or deleted.

    In case the Data Set has been moved you need to search your computer for it. It is a folder containing other folder and files. It has your Data Set name and the extension .moneydance e.g. yourdatasetname.moneydance

    If you find it then in the welcome window click OPEN OTHER and navigate to its location highlight the folder and click OPEN.

    If your Data Set has been deleted you need to find your Moneydance backup. This is a single file. It has your Data Set name and the extension .moneydancearchive and a date e.g. yourdatasetname.yyyy-mm-dd.moneydancearchive for a Moneydance auto backup and yourdatasetname.yyyymmdd-tttt.moneydancearchive for a manual Moneydance EXPORT BACKUP.

    From the Welcome window you can open a Moneydance backup using IMPORT NEW ACCOUNT SET.

    If you can’t find you Data Set or Moneydance backup then install TOOLBOX under EXTENSIONS – MANAGE EXTENSIONS. If you are in the Welcome window first use CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT SET to set up a dummy Data Set.

    Once installed start TOOLBOX under EXTENSIONS and run.
    In TOOLBOX click the tab FIND MY DATASET(S) AND BACKUPS and follow the on screen instructions.

    Once found you can use FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – OPEN - OPEN OTHER to open a Data Set or FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – RESTORE BACKUP to restore a Moneydance backup.

    Note: When in a Data Set you can find the default location for Moneydance backups under HELP – SHOW BACKUP FOLDER and Data Sets under HELP – SHOW DOCUMENT FOLDER.

    Note: Reasons that a data set can go missing.
    Moneydance does not have the ability to delete a data set. There is no delete function in Moneydance.
    Some user has inadvertently moved the data set or on rare occasions manually deleted it.
    Some programs that clean your computer files have been known to move or delete Data Sets.
    It’s been reported by a number of users that Norton is one of these programs, although I use Norton 360 and it hasn’t happened to me, yet!
    If the Data Set opens but is empty other users who have had the issue have traced it to inadvertently using FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – NEW to start a new data set and have then used FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – OPEN to re-open their old data set.

    Note: When using Moneydance Auto backup its good practice to use a cloud server such as Dropbox as a backup location in case your hard drive fails.
    Note: As a last resort if you are using Moneydance 2017 or later and are syncing to another device then it is possible to recover your data from that. Post if you need help with this.

    Hope this helps.

  2. System closed this discussion on 02 Jul, 2022 01:10 PM.

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