Moneydance + (plaid) disconnecting sync on a sub account of Schwab
I am ok using the Plaid delay on investment accounts. However, using a cool CSV importer extension, I can do timely reconciliations/downlaods on my Schwab Checking Account. Is it possible to disconnect Schwab Checking from Plaid, without disconnecting the Investment accounts. Because, in the online banking, you can only click the Schwab Master, not each individual schwab account. NOTE: I guess one simple answer to this is just to never select the download on the checking account when in checking account.
Not a big deal, just wondering if I missed a trick.
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1 Posted by David Greene on 07 Apr, 2022 06:51 PM
IGNORE. I found answer. One simply goes in and enters 'dont download'.
Maddy closed this discussion on 10 May, 2022 11:24 AM.