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I have two issues that i cannot resolved.
Wells Fargo and chase have become disconnected.
i have two chase accounts one is connected, and the other is disconnected
i have gone as far deleting them and redoing them and i do know about Wells Fargo having to log onto their site and reauthorizing...
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1 Posted by Frankie on 06 May, 2022 01:50 AM
I have the same problem with chase - I cannot get it to authenticate thru plaid, drops to a 404 during the handshaking. anyone from infinitekind there?
2 Posted by dick810 on 06 May, 2022 02:35 AM
I have two chase accounts a chase and a chase/amazon account it is the
second account I am having a issue with I have communicated with there tech
support and they have been responsive but the problem is still not resolved.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Maddy on 06 May, 2022 02:33 PM
Assuming you have downloaded and installed Moneydance 2022.4 (4078) from this page first.
You should select the Online->Setup Moneydance+ menu, then click on the row in the table for your bank (not one of the accounts, just the header row) and click the rounded button. Then select the "Re-link Connection" entry.
Finally, you may want to restart Moneydance.
You should select the Online->Setup Moneydance+ menu again, then click on an account (not the bank name) in the right column you should see a popup menu. If you select the Reset Sync Date entry, Moneydance will prompt you upon the next download to select how far back in time you'd like it to request transactions. How far back the transactions actually go is dependent upon the bank and/or their service provider, but Moneydance will request whatever date you specify.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
4 Posted by Frank Millheim on 06 May, 2022 02:42 PM
It would not reconnect. I tried three times, then I removed the link completely. I started over. I get on the chase pages via plaid interface and I log in and I put in my token / sms code and pwd again and then it hits a page not found *on the chase site* and never kicks back to plaid with the completed connection (this page not found was the same problem when I was trying to “reconnect/refresh” as well)
Support Staff 5 Posted by Maddy on 06 May, 2022 02:52 PM
It seems that connecting via Plaid to some banks will always force you to use MFA (code texted to your mobile device). After you do that successfully once, you must not use the same MFA method to log into your bank's website afterwards, using your PC or mobile web browser. If you do this again, the problem will reoccur.
The workaround is to tell your bank's login process that you don't have access to your SMS texts, and let it challenge you in another way (either security question or your physical card details).
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
6 Posted by Frank Millheim on 06 May, 2022 03:00 PM
That doesn’t make much sense given I have been using both the web and Moneydance side by side using the sms token for a long time now and nothing was broken until this last upgrade.
But - it does give me something to mess with so let me try to get it to work switching methods of 2FA and get back to you. Thanks!
Support Staff 7 Posted by Maddy on 06 May, 2022 03:04 PM
You could also send us the contents of your console log, from when you're trying to connect to your bank via Moneydance+. Since this is a public thread I would recommend you do so by creating a "private" discussion here.
Here's how to get the logs:
1) In Moneydance, select Help > Console Window. This will open the console messages window.
2) While the Console Window is open, attempt to connect to your bank using Moneydance+. Any error messages should be recorded to the Console.
3) Select all of the text in the Console and use the "Copy to Clipboard" button at the bottom to copy the text.
4) Paste the text from the message window into a text file (preferably saved with a .txt extension) and attach that file to your response by clicking on "Browse".
Thank you
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
8 Posted by Frankie on 06 May, 2022 03:32 PM
***resolved for me***
Maddy I did the following:
1. deleted all cache for infinitekind.com, plaid.com and chase.com from Safari (on mac)
2. turned on logging console
3. tried to connect again, got to the same blank screen *but* I got an email from chase saying I had just authenticated successfully via a third party this time (this was new)
4. thought "hmmm. third party blocking.." and went and disabled WIPR ad-blocking safari extension for the chase domain, and then it WORKED and I am now connected.
I suspect the WIPR extension was the problem all along (for me) since I always got to that same blank screen, even before I disconnected and started from scratch
thanks for the help/ideas, maddy
Support Staff 9 Posted by Maddy on 06 May, 2022 03:37 PM
Thank you so much for reporting back, Frankie!
I'm very pleased to hear that it's working for you now.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
10 Posted by dick810 on 31 May, 2022 03:27 PM
If you have an account open and click on the download, I have several items i can click I have one item that will download from the bank the rest require a password. I have two accounts that are doing this how do I delete these items, so it only uses the active link.
This pertains to the issue I am having with Plaid
Support Staff 11 Posted by Maddy on 31 May, 2022 03:32 PM
Please navigate to Extensions->Manage Extensions and install the Toolbox.
Launch Toolbox and navigate to Toolbox Options (on top left corner) and select -
Update Mode->Yes->Do Back Up Now (recommended). Then, navigate to Menu: Online Banking (OFX) Tools (2nd tab down).
In the resulting window, under Update Functions you should select :
Delete OFX Banking Service / Logon profile (remove_one_service.py)
Finally, restart Moneydance and recreate the connection as outlined here.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 30 Aug, 2022 03:40 PM.