UK Accounts

Claire Orr's Avatar

Claire Orr

06 May, 2022 03:02 PM


I am just setting up money dance and can see an option for linking directly to banks or credit cards but I cannot see my UK accounts - Royal Bank of Scotland and John Lewis Credit card - am i looking in the wrong place or is this not possible ?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 06 May, 2022 03:12 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Claire,
    Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.

    Currently, Moneydance supports automatic downloads using Direct Connect or Moneydance + but unfortunately neither of these automatic connection methods are supported by UK banks, at the moment.

    Without Direct Connect, you are still able to easily import your data into the program.
    We'd recommend you use the OFX or QFX file format if either of these are available. If not, use the QIF file format. You can find the steps for manually importing your data in this article.

    That being said, I've flagged this thread and you will be notified when Moneydnace + will support UK banks as well.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. System closed this discussion on 05 Aug, 2022 03:20 PM.

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