Can I download a full history of my Schwab account?
This morning I finally set up MD+ and Plaid, connected to my credit union and Schwab investment account, and successfully downloaded the CU info.
My Schwab account has been messed up for quite some time, so I created a new investment account, set the start date to 2018, and downloaded transactions. However, I only got about 8 months of data rather than the 3.5 years I was hoping for. Does anyone know of a way to download the entire history? I realize this is asking a lot but before I do a CSV or QIF download & import (or manually entering several hundred entries) I thought I'd ask. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
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1 Posted by dtd on 18 May, 2022 09:53 PM
just a user - traditionally, Schwab maxes out at 18 months.
With all the changes Schwab has made in the last year or so, they may have dropped it to 8.
I don't know of a way to download your entire history in a way that would work in Moneydance. Schwab only provides CSV manually which won't work with investment accounts.
Hope that helps (well, I'm sure it doesn't - but hope the info is useful.)
There are (a VERY few programs) that say they support CSV with investment accounts, but invariably I've found they only mean bank and credit cards.
So, yeah, manually entering several hundred entries. On entries that don't need a defined cost basis, combine them up - like 2018/12/31 - 2018 interest - $xx.xx
2 Posted by Tom on 19 May, 2022 11:45 PM
That's what I was afraid of, but thought I'd ask before I dove in the deep end!
Thanks for the info,
Maddy closed this discussion on 20 May, 2022 10:07 AM.