Bank doesn't recognize new account

peggie.hall's Avatar


24 May, 2022 09:06 PM

The checking account I've had for 20 years was breach, my bank closed it, opened a new account and transferred the balance to it. I wanted to just delete the original checking account, but had to add one instead because it was the only way to keep all my online payees etc.

The original account now has a -0- balance at the bank, but the bank doesn't recognize the new account in MD. I've double checked the routing number and account # for the new account...they are correct. However when I set up this account the starting balance failed to populate--and prob'ly wont until I can download it, but the bank doesn't recognize new account...which also makes it impossible to upload bill payments, which I need to do as soon as possible to prevent late payments.

What am I doing wrong or failing to do to get this second checking account up and running????

 --Peggie Hall

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