Apple Card

Phil Kauffman's Avatar

Phil Kauffman

26 May, 2022 12:44 PM

How can I sync my Apple Credit Card to import the transactions into MoneyDance?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 26 May, 2022 12:55 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Phil ,
    Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.

    As unfortunately, Apple Card does not support third party integration services, at this time, it's not possible to download transactions.
    If they begin to support third party integration services, at any point, we'd be happy to make it happen.

    That being said, it might be useful referring to this discussion

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have further questions or need any assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by Philip Kauffman on 27 May, 2022 09:14 PM

    Philip Kauffman's Avatar



    Also, I am getting a new computer soon.

    When I get the new Mac, I will download MoneyDance from the webpage.

    How do I re-create my data set. I have been using Dropbox to sync to my

    Also, MoneyDance has been backing up the data to my iCloud Drive.

    Is there some way to restore the latest backup?


    Philip I. Kauffman
    [email blocked]

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Maddy on 30 May, 2022 08:36 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    The files with a - .moneydancearchive file extension can be restored into Moneydance by double clicking them.
    Alternatively, choose File --> Restore from Backup or 'Import New Account Set' from the Welcome window - when opening Moneydance for the first time. Then navigate to and select the backup file.

    When you restore data from a backup file, a new data file will be created for use going forward. If the restored data file is in the default location, it's accessible from Moneydance via Help --> Show Documents Folder.

    Any data files stored here are accessible from the program by choosing File --> Open. Any files you've created or restored will be listed here.

    If you'd like to re-name the restored file, you can follow the steps in this article from the knowledge base.

    It's important you close the Moneydance program fully before you make any changes.

    Then change the data file name to whatever you want - just be sure to retain the .moneydance file extension at the end of the file name.

    Alternatively, if you wish to add the new computer to an existing syncing process, you should launch Moneydance (it will open in the Welcome window) and choose Create a New Account Set->Open Synced File - select the same sync method as your primary computer and enter the same Passphrase to access your synced file.

    Please keep us posted on your progress, Thank you!

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  4. System closed this discussion on 29 Aug, 2022 08:40 AM.

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