MoneyDance+ fails communication with Citizensbank

dannytaffe's Avatar


11 Jun, 2022 12:23 PM

I just updated Moneydance to the latest version, then purchased the Moneydance+ addon. I was able to get online and navigate through Plaid to add my Citizens Accounts. However, when I return to Moneydance, I get an error message that Plaid failed to communicate with Citizens as shown below:

There was an error communicating with your financial institution. The details of this error are below.

Bank Name: Moneydance+
The error code reported by the server was: 0
Received malformed response: Response{protocol=h2, code=401, message=, url=}
Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not parse error response

I can't find anything in the online instructions to correct this. Help?!?

  1. 1 Posted by dannytaffe on 22 Jun, 2022 12:42 PM

    dannytaffe's Avatar

    It's been 11 days, and no response to my query. Moneydance+ (and now moneydance itself) still doesn't work. Is anyone there? Do you have a contact number?

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Maddy on 22 Jun, 2022 12:51 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay getting back to you. I’m afraid that your request for assistance was missed by the support team, and it’s only now we’ve been able to work through the backlog of older discussions. I must apologise again for the poor level of service and lack of support you have received. I’d like to provide assistance if you’re still in a position to work through these issues.

    1) In order to remove the error you have reported in post 1 of this thread, you should navigate to the Online>Setup Moneydance + menu again and look in the connections list.
    When you see "no name" listed, you should disconnect it and restart Moneydance.

    2) What is not working specifically?
    Which version and build of Moneydance are you using?
    To check, open Moneydance and select Moneydance --> About Moneydance
    Can you provide a brief description of the issue?

    Thank you

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  3. 3 Posted by dannytaffe on 22 Jun, 2022 01:04 PM

    dannytaffe's Avatar

    Hi Maddy,

    Thanks for your response. My bank is Citizens Bank. In late May 2022 I
    received a letter from them noting that they would no longer support
    Intuit's Direct Connect; the letter came with instructions for updating the
    banking connections. As I read through it and looked at the moneydance
    support site, the best option seemed to be upgrading to the subscription
    service via infinite kind (Moneydance+). I went into Moneydance and
    disconnected each of my accounts from online access, then tried to
    reconnect using Moneydance+. I could see CitizensBank in the list of banks
    to choose from, and I seemed to navigate it just fine. But when I restart
    Moneydance, I get the error message previously noted, and the accounts
    don't update.

    My version is 2022.4 (4087)

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Maddy on 22 Jun, 2022 01:14 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Thank you for the additional information, Danny!

    According to Plaid the latest successful connection with Citizens Bank -, took place 4 minutes ago exactly. So, I was wondering if you could restart Moneydance and try again.

    In the Set Up Moneydance+ window, you'll need to click on the "None" label in order to select which account in Moneydance corresponds to the account names and numbers on the left side of the window. After doing that and selecting the Moneydance account from the menu, using the ⌘D keyboard shortcut or clicking the Download button when the account is selected will cause Moneydance to download the transactions for that account.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  5. 5 Posted by dannytaffe on 22 Jun, 2022 01:22 PM

    dannytaffe's Avatar

    I just tried, but there is no "none" option - see enclosed screenshots of
    the moneydance+ setup screen

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Maddy on 22 Jun, 2022 01:32 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    What happens if you select an account from that list?

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  7. 7 Posted by dannytaffe on 22 Jun, 2022 01:55 PM

    dannytaffe's Avatar

    I was able to do that for the Moneymarket account and the savings account,
    and it worked. The home equity line only gives me options to link to
    credit cards that are outside of Citizens Bank. There is no option to link
    to the loan I set up in Moneydance.

    There are three checking accounts, but I see no way to identify which ones
    on the moneydance+ page link to which accounts in CitizensBank. My concern
    is that if I link to the wrong one it will download transactions into the
    wrong account and screw up the moneydance accounts. At this point at least
    one of those accounts will have > 100 transactions backlogged/waiting

  8. Support Staff 8 Posted by Maddy on 22 Jun, 2022 02:09 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    It is my understanding that a home equity line of credit is a revolving source of funds, much like a credit card. You can set this up in a number of ways.

    Some of our customers set this up as a 'credit card' account. They add interest payments to the account to keep a running total. And transfers are created from the associated checking account(s) as required.

    Alternatively, you can set this up using a 'loan' account. When you download transactions for your checking account(s), you'll categorise them and specify a transfer to/from the loan account. However, please be aware that transactions cannot be manually input or downloaded into a loan account - the loan account transactions are all transfers from other accounts.

    In addition, Moneydance does not support importing data or entering transactions into a loan accounts. The reason being that it should not be necessary. If you are making your loan payments from one of your bank accounts, when you download transactions for that bank account it will include debits for the loan payments. When you categorize these loan payments in the bank account, with the 'loan account' as the category, the corresponding matching entry in the loan account will be created.

    So, you will have to enter the transaction from the account on the other side as Moneydance does not allow transactions to be initiated from within loan account.

    Finally, in regard to matching your accounts, with many banks the way around this problem is to assign nicknames to your accounts through the bank's online banking, nicknames are shown through Moneydance+ given they do not give away any really useful information, or certainly nothing that could be used in a transaction.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  9. 9 Posted by dannytaffe on 22 Jun, 2022 02:16 PM

    dannytaffe's Avatar

    Good info on the line of credit (yes, it's a revolving line, uses our home
    equity as collateral.) I'll try setting it up as a credit card, since
    Moneydance+ seems to want that.

    Our checking accounts have nicknames set up through Citizensbank -
    unfortunately, the nicknames don't come through as identifiers in
    Moneydance+. Is there any reason to think that the order they appear in
    the Moneydance+ window would mirror their order on my online banking page?

  10. Support Staff 10 Posted by Maddy on 22 Jun, 2022 03:06 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Unfortunately Moneydance+ can only display the information that is sent to it from your bank, so I don't think there's more details for the program to give.

    Another option may be to create a new fake bank account in Moneydance. You could then associate one of those accounts with that fake account just to see what it is. Then disable that connection, delete that account, and reestablish the connection with the correct account.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  11. System closed this discussion on 21 Sep, 2022 03:10 PM.

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