Now what?
I read the announcement recently from MoneyDance about banks shifting from a standard format for downloading transactions to a secret sauce method requiring payment to some new type of service provider (that's as well as I care to understand it).
I'm not one to fight the system, and I've been having recent trouble syncing with a bank that made me change my user, pass, as well as all my account numbers due to a security issue. So I figured it was a good time to try this new method. I signed up through MoneyDance and am being billed, but I have not a single clue as to how to set it up. I couldn't find any documentation. There isn't a single topic regarding in this forum.
Is there an existing page explaining how to transition to this new sync method? If not, how is it done?
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1 Posted by dwg on 19 Jun, 2022 11:03 PM
I'm a fellow user.
Paddle is the name of the company that processes payments to purchase Moneydance. This company has nothing to do with automatic downloading of financial transactions.
The company that provides the transaction download service is called Plaid. Within Moneydance the service is called Moneydance+.
Moneydance+ was developed because many financial institutions do not support Direct Connect and also some that have been supporting this method are moving away from it so with reluctance Moneydance is providing this new service.
Instructions for setting up this service to download transactions is contained in the following section of the knowledge Base.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Ethan on 19 Jun, 2022 11:53 PM
Just to be clear, we're not dropping any of our existing connection options, like direct connect or manual downloads, so if those methods are working for you, you can keep using them. It's more that banks are dropping support for things like direct connections, and many of our users have requested some other optional connection service rather than going to manual downloads, even if that would involve an extra fee.
Let us know if you have any issues setting up Moneydance+, and where you are running into trouble in the setup instructions linked in the previous post.
Infinite Kind Support
3 Posted by hlslaughter on 21 Jun, 2022 10:02 PM
Thanks for the clarification! I will follow up with the suggested reading.
System closed this discussion on 20 Sep, 2022 10:10 PM.