Duplicate transactions downloaded from my retirement account
Until this past January, I was able to download transactions from my 401K account at Aon Hewitt (Hewitt & Associates) every two weeks; on the first and the middle of the month. So, when I download transactions from the 16th I would, also, get transactions from the 1st, which I've already downloaded two weeks prior. It was easier for me to delete the duplicates rather than spend time trying to figure out why this happens. However, since January 16th no transactions were downloaded (possibly due to a problem at Hewitt's website), Yesterday I tried again and was able to get it to work, only this time I had six months' worth of transactions downloaded and I had to spend some time going over the history and delete duplicates. My question is: is there a way to control the date range to be downloaded? It appears to me that regardless of when or how often you log on to download you always get a full month of transactions downloaded, This wouldn't be a problem if MD detects duplicates and gives you the option to merge them with transaction already downloaded. We see this capability available in regular bank accounts, why not in investment accounts?
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1 Posted by margieplough on 30 Mar, 2015 04:00 PM
I am having a similar issue with Northern Trust Bank. Using moneydance 2015 build 1110 and this wasn't an issue till I upgraded my moneydance.
2 Posted by Tom Freeman on 10 May, 2015 08:50 PM
Sorry for the late reply. Please update to the current build of Moneydance 2015 (1205) you can find that here: http://infinitekind.com/preview
If the issue persist after updating, please go to help > console window. Use the copy to clip board function and paste into a word app and attach it to this thread.
Tom Freeman
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 19 Mar, 2016 04:55 AM.