Moneydance community and support team really know their stuff and explain it well

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D. Smith

10 Apr, 2023 05:02 PM

First, the Moneydance community and support team are the best of any program I've ever used. Some so-called "support" sevices such as Norton/Symantec can only read or copy verbatim from their computers. (Maybe my Norton experience was unique and Im being unfair to dedicated workers. If so, I sincerely apologize.)

The Moneydance community and support give good and concise answers. They read the questions and don't assume ahead of time they know what the question will be and then give an inaccurate answer.

My dilemma, resolved by them was: "I've been entering reinvested dividend data for weeks and a few days ago my Net Worth jumped o $121 MILLION--which is not correct.

I use DivReinvest. I enter the number of shares I'm adding into the shares field and put a 1 in the Price field. I change the Amount field (representing total $ change) to $00.00. With my total cost at $00.00 ". In my logic I'm not spending anything for the new shares although I realize they change my basis, which is good that they do.

Thank you to Stuart Beesley, dtd and dwg for quickly responding and giving me the solution, which was to NOT enter the new shares/dividends as zero.

Stuart Beesley summed it up, writing "When entering investment transactions, forget the price field - do not look at it... You should be entering the qty and the value of the transaction and letting MD 'worry' about the calculated price."

Problem solved! I feel as an old Alka-Seltzer commercial jingle sang "Oh what a relief it is."

  1. D. Smith closed this discussion on 10 Apr, 2023 05:03 PM.

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