Transaction with Moneydance auto generated check number hasn't cleared

Jill Holton's Avatar

Jill Holton

14 Jun, 2024 01:41 PM

We have Moneydance and a bill was set to pay, an auto check number generated, but the transaction has not been completed. We contacted the vendor (Home Depot) to see if they received payment and they confirmed that they had not. I'm not sure what to do now with an auto check generation....this is a large payment of over $11,000. Can you help?

  1. 1 Posted by SBC on 18 Jun, 2024 12:46 AM

    SBC's Avatar

    Jill Holton 
    Sent from my iPhone

    On Jun 14, 2024, at 9:43 AM, Infinite Kind <[email blocked]> wrote:

    The Infinite Kind The Infinite Kind technical support:
    email: [email blocked]

    Hello Jill Holton!

    This is an automated response to let you know that we've received your request:

    Transaction with Moneydance auto generated check number hasn't cleared

    and will respond as quickly as possible. Answers to many common questions can be found in our knowledge base and user guide.

    Based on your support request, we think you may find the following articles from our FAQ helpful:

    We'll send an email to you (at [email blocked]) when we update your support request. Alternatively, you can keep track of this conversation online.

    Thanks again!

    The Infinite Kind

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  2. 2 Posted by sth on 18 Jun, 2024 04:04 AM

    sth's Avatar

    The bill pay functionality is only for OFX Direct connections which seem to be less and less supported. Have you contacted your bank to see if they received the auto pay request? Make sure that they still support online payments and if they have an extra charge for the service.

    When downloading the account for that check, does MD show that the bank has confirmed the check? As they say, it may take a few days for the bank to transfer the funds.
    (Not IK Support)

  3. 3 Posted by Jill Holton on 18 Jun, 2024 04:48 PM

    Jill Holton's Avatar

    How do we back out an auto generated check from our moneydance ledger. We received confirmation from our bank that the check never cleared, (it was suppose to on 6/10) with our bank. Please advise.
    Jill Holton

  4. 4 Posted by sth on 19 Jun, 2024 02:11 AM

    sth's Avatar

    Not sure, since I don't use the Bill Pay functionality. But I would assume adding another cancelling transaction to that register to reverse the Bill Pay that did not go through.

    Or a more violent method is just to delete the autogenerated entry in the register.

    Maybe someone else who uses Bill Pay more should chime in?
    (NOT IK Support)

  5. System closed this discussion on 18 Sep, 2024 02:20 AM.

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